Dictionary example: La belleza del paisaje asturiano
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:10 pm
I wanted to be sure I was using the word "paisaje" correctly, so I looked it up in "the Pop-up Oxford Spanish Dictionary", which is a program for computers.
I was surprised and tickled to read, "...the beauty of the Asturian countryside o landscape...."
Of course!
Me sorprendió y me complacíó leer, "… la belleza del paisaje asturiano ….”
I was surprised and tickled to read, "...the beauty of the Asturian countryside o landscape...."
Of course!
Deseé averiguar que utilizo la palabra "paisaje" correctamente, así que la busqué en "el Diccionario español pop-up de Oxford", que es un programa para la computadora.The Pop-Up Oxford Spanish Dictionary wrote:paisaje
(panorama) landscape, scenery;
la belleza del paisaje asturiano
the beauty of the Asturian countryside o landscape;
el paisaje es agreste/boscoso
it is a rugged/wooded landscape
(Art) landscape
Me sorprendió y me complacíó leer, "… la belleza del paisaje asturiano ….”