restolar - to snoop around - rebuscar/curiosear

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restolar - to snoop around - rebuscar/curiosear

Post by is »

restolar: (res-toh-LAHR), verbu. To snoop around, comb through, ferret out, search, explore, examine, pry, rummage, raid, ransack.
Usage: Los rapacinos andaben restolando pela cocina, pero nun dieron colos frixuelos. (The kids were snooping around the kitchen, but never found the frixuelos.)
Firefox fai que restolar na rede seya más rápido gracies al ventanucu na barra navegación. (Firefox allows for faster searches online thanks to the icon in the navigation bar.)
Usage in Central Asturian: Restolaron debaxo les teyes y hasta pelos matos. (They looked under the roofing tiles and even inside the bushes.)
Usage in West Asturian: A los nenos muitu-ys presta restolar nel parreiru. (Children really like to explore the inside of a barn.)
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