xeitu - knack/ability - habilidad

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xeitu - knack/ability - habilidad

Post by is »

xeitu (pronounced SHEY-too), sustantivu (noun). Knack, ability, facility, flair, gift, proficiency, know-how, mastery, talent, cleverness, deftness. Tener xeitu (to exhibit flair or style in doing something), Poner xeitu (to apply cleverness or talent to a particular task). Faer daqué a xeitu (to do something correctly).
Usage examples:
Vaya xeitu que ties pa pelar llampares. (What a knack you have for peeling limpets.)
Nolo siempre pon xeitu pa trabayar. (Nolo always puts his talent to work.)
A mi peme que nun tien xeitu. (I think something/someone is off-kilter/out of whack.)
Esa muyer tien un xeitu que nun me gusta. (There’s an air about her I instinctively dislike.)

Other related usage, mostly in West Asturian:
axeitar (pronounced ah-shey-TAHR): to organize or put things where they belong/in their place. Axeitame bien eso. (Put that back where it belongs.), Axeitéime ceu pula mañana pa dir al monte. (I got ready early in the morning to go up the mountain.)
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Post by Terechu »

Esa palabra ye nueva pa mi. Yo hubiera usao maña, pero nun da pa to'los matices. Va a haber que traducila de maneres distintes, según el contextu: maña, arte, empeñu, porque nun hay equivalente plenu.

That's a new word for me. I would probably have used maña, but that would not cover it's full scope. It probably needs different translations depending on the context: i.e. skill, craft, artfulness, resolve..., because there's no full equivalent.
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