algamar - to reach - alcanzar
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:58 pm
algamar: pronounced al-gah-MAHR, verbu (verb). To reach out for something, extend one's hands or feet, approach, get closer to something or someone that is higher up or further up the road. In a broader sense, it is a synonym of to achieve, attain, bring off, fulfill, accomplish or actualize.
Could be related to the term gamayeira or gamayera, the chains that used to fix iron-cast pots to the ceiling in rural Asturias and Galicia.
Usage examples:
Algámame esa xamasca de la zreizal. Hai que la cortar que ya ta podre. (Reach up for that branch on the cherry tree. We need to prune it because it's rotting.)
Nun algamara a Xuan. Diba camín de Candás a 140km por hora. (I wasn't able to reach Xuan. He was driving on the way to Candás at 140km per hour.)
Qué ye lo que queremos algamar güei? (What do we want to accomplish today?)
N'Asturies hai grandes deficiencies democrátiques. Una serie de drechos civiles van de recul y nun s'algamaren. (There are large democratic deficits in Asturias. A number of civil rights are being reversed and have never been attained.)
Folk wisdom:
'Burru cargau d'oru, algamalo tou.' (A donkey loaded with gold can accomplish anything; similar in meaning to 'Money talks, bullshit walks')
'El ratu que nun sabe más que un furacu, bien ceu lu algama'l gatu' (A cat captures the mouse that only knows about a single hole)
'Quien tien manes, algama perres' (Whoever has hands can reach for the money)
'Dixo la rapousa que nun foi p'algamar las zreizas: "Nun las quiero que tan mayucas"' (The fox, unable to reach up for the cherries said: 'I don't really want them because they are past their prime')
A new grassroots organization in County Siero has just been created with the name 'Algamar'. It is intended to mobilize people to be more proactive about promoting change in Asturian society. Their goal is to raise consciousness about certain issues, including language rights, hence their name 'Algamar'. You can visit their blog at
Could be related to the term gamayeira or gamayera, the chains that used to fix iron-cast pots to the ceiling in rural Asturias and Galicia.
Usage examples:
Algámame esa xamasca de la zreizal. Hai que la cortar que ya ta podre. (Reach up for that branch on the cherry tree. We need to prune it because it's rotting.)
Nun algamara a Xuan. Diba camín de Candás a 140km por hora. (I wasn't able to reach Xuan. He was driving on the way to Candás at 140km per hour.)
Qué ye lo que queremos algamar güei? (What do we want to accomplish today?)
N'Asturies hai grandes deficiencies democrátiques. Una serie de drechos civiles van de recul y nun s'algamaren. (There are large democratic deficits in Asturias. A number of civil rights are being reversed and have never been attained.)
Folk wisdom:
'Burru cargau d'oru, algamalo tou.' (A donkey loaded with gold can accomplish anything; similar in meaning to 'Money talks, bullshit walks')
'El ratu que nun sabe más que un furacu, bien ceu lu algama'l gatu' (A cat captures the mouse that only knows about a single hole)
'Quien tien manes, algama perres' (Whoever has hands can reach for the money)
'Dixo la rapousa que nun foi p'algamar las zreizas: "Nun las quiero que tan mayucas"' (The fox, unable to reach up for the cherries said: 'I don't really want them because they are past their prime')
A new grassroots organization in County Siero has just been created with the name 'Algamar'. It is intended to mobilize people to be more proactive about promoting change in Asturian society. Their goal is to raise consciousness about certain issues, including language rights, hence their name 'Algamar'. You can visit their blog at