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HELP: Asturian people in Washington

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:52 am
by Chus
Hello, I'm a journalist from Asturias. I'll fly to Washington DC tomorow (saturday 29 september) I'll stay in the city until thursday and my idea is to make several articles about asturian people in Washington (also with asturian ancestors). Someone can help me?

---my mail:

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:50 am
by is
Bonas, Chus, you tou en Washington DC pero vou de vacaciones la selmana que vien (el 1 d'ochobre), asina que muitu tiempu nun tenemos. Sicasi, hai outru asturianu (de la fasteira oriental: Cabrales) que si que vei tar eiqui ya igual te presta falar con elli pol sitiu au trabaya ya la xente que conoz. Depues hai outru que conozo que vien de Tineu ya trabaya nu IDB. Mandame un mensaxe privau na rede d' ya t'apurro los datos.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:59 am
by Art
I'm pretty sure that BobV and Xose live close to DC. Alfonso is an excellent contact. Let us know how it goes!

Xose: ... file&u=228
Alfonso: ... ofile&u=63
BobV: ... file&u=161

Estoy casi cierto que BobV y Xose viven cerca de DC. Alfonso sería un contacto excelente. ¡Dinos como va!

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 3:57 pm
by Don Pe$ka
Is ... nun puedo creeme que vivas en Washinton i fales n'asturianu


Translated by Bob

Is...I can't believe that you live in Washington and speak Asturian.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:26 pm
by is
Si, nin, falo asturianu cona mia xente dende que pasara los branos n'Asturias ya garrara-y gustin a la fala. Ia cousa de miou pai ya mia buola, ya tola xente que me deprendiera cousas n'aldea de rapacin. En Washington deprendo-ys a los mious amigos cousiquinas n'asturianu ('Cagunmimantu' foi una d'el.las).

Nos nunca tuvimos vergoña de falar asturiano. Igual m'enquivoco, pero no centro d'Asturias la xente ia d'outra manera. No oucidente asturiano ya en Eo-Navia nun hai esos prexuicios tan grandonos pa escontra la l.lingua l.lariega. Vete pa Puela d'Allande (Ayande), Grandas, Samartin d'Ozcos ya fala como te peta que naide nun vei correxite ou tratate mal.

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:00 am
by Don Pe$ka
Los asturianos n'el censu americanu ... como se refieren a vosotros ... como HISPANOS ???


Translated by Bob

[Concerning] Asturians in the American census... How do you identify Hispanics???

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:23 pm
by Bob
The "racial"categories in the American census make little or no rational sense. They include such categories as white, black, Asian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Native American, etc. The goverrnment is asking us to compare apples and oranges, with many genetically diverse groups within each of the categories. Human races are, at best, sociological constructs, not biological categories. There is, of course, a long history of racism in the EEUU.

In the EEUU, anyone with a known African ancestor is usually classified as black, which is sheer nonsense from a genetic point of view. And even within that African category, Ethiopians are quite genetically different from the Tutsi and other groups, all of which are different from one another both culturally and biologically. Much the same kind of diversity exists on other continents, and even more so where the older populations have mixed.

There may be hope for the future, however. My granddaughters (ages 7 and 5) never describe their friends by the classic American racial categories, but simply by the same kind of physical characteristics by which they describe themselves (such as hair color and eye color).

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:37 pm
by Don Pe$ka
Pero ... en el censo ... TÚ ERES HISPANO !!!


Translated by Bob the census... YOU ARE HISPANIC!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:18 pm
by Xose
I'm hispanic? News to me. I'm 1/4 Asturian, 1/2 Scotch-Irish, 1/8 German, and 1/8 Welsh so what does that make me?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:30 pm
by Don Pe$ka
Oh my god ... you're a Frankenstein !!!

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:07 pm
by is
That makes 2 Frankensteins, Don Peska, and there are just 300 million more of us here in the US. Here's my pedigree: half Asturian, one fourth American Indian (Tewa) and a quarter Sephardi Jew from northern New Mexico. How's that for futuristic?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:13 pm
by Don Pe$ka
Yeh ... Here there are two frankensteins, of course xDDD

But ... I'm 50% asturian, 25% andalucian and 25% venezuelan xDDD

I'm a Frankenstein too

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:38 pm
by Bob
This Frankenstein is half Asturian and half Slovak.

In Mary Shelley's story, of course, Frankenstein was really the creator of the monster, not the monster itself. It's interesting that she was not yet 20 when she wrote it (in 1816).

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:46 pm
by Don Pe$ka
Nice beard Bob ... xDD

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:09 pm
by Bob
My beard thanks you for your kind words, Don Pe$ka. It celebrated its 33rd birthday last Christmas. I woke up on Christmas morning 1974 and didn't feel like shaving, and I haven't felt like shaving ever since. My wife has never seen me without the beard, and I will take it with me to my grave.

Of course, not shaving that day was not much of a decision, since I already had enormous muttonchops (patillas) and hair down to my shoulders. It was merely a matter of adding the moustache (bigotes) and a few centimeters of chin hair.