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Asturias from above - NatGeo's Robert Haas Gallery

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:09 am
by Terechu
Aquí va un enlace de la galería de fotos de Asturias desde el aire, hechas por el fotógrafo del National Geographic, Robert Haas.

Here's a link to the photogallery of Asturias from the sky, by National Geographic photographer Robert Haas.


More pictures from the Asturies ,,, Mas semeyes d'asturies

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:50 pm
by ayalgueru
Mas de lo mesmo ,,,

Asturies dende el suelu ... semeyes de tolos conceyos , paisaxes y temes cotidianos ,, una ayalguina ,,

Asturies at ground level ... pictures of all counties , landscapes and every day themes ,,, a little treasure ..

un saludu :)