Ron: Quizas debas revisar la ortografìa de los apellidos,
Romon Diaz Bongo, and Gloria Alonso Radal
- Ramón Diaz Bango
- Gloria Alonso Rada
He buscado en las páginas blancas y no hay ningùn apellidado Radal, sin embargo yo recuerdo una familia "Rada" que vivian en El Pontón (Arnao), uno de los chicos era mas o menos de mi edad, y la niña era mayor (Mª Isabel?), el padre se llamaba Julio "Julio el de Rada", lo que no se es si era 1º o 2º apellido.
En cualquer caso, en Castrillòn ya no queda ninguno, y en el resto de Asturias hay 4 de 1º apellido y 3 de 2º, asi que quizàs sea un buen hilo del que tirar.
En cuanto al apellido Bango, tampoco debe ser dificil de localizar, que yo recuerde hay dos familias en Castrillón, unos proceden de Las Chavolas y los otros de Piedras Blancas, eran los dueños del cine DIVAD, y seguro que en mayor o menor grado, estan emparentados entre si, actualmente aparecen 38 en las páginas blancas, pero hay muchos hermanos.
Al igual que Carlos, pienso que la población tiene que ser
Villalegre, pertenece al Concejo de
Corvera de Asturias, aunque practicamente está integrada en Aviles. Toda esa zona creció mucho cuando se creó Ensidesa, y mucha gente de Castrillón que encontró trabajo en Ensidesa, se trasladó a vivir alli.
Espero haber ayudado algo
Translated by Bob
Ron: perhaps you need to revise the spelling of the surnames
Romon Diaz Bongo, and Gloria Alonso Radal
- Ramón Diaz Bango
- Gloria Alonso Rada
I looked in the white pages and there were no Radal surnames, but I remember a "Rada" family who lived in El Pontón (Arnao), one of the boys was more or less my age and the girl was older, (Mª Isabel?), the father was called Julio "Julio el de Rada", but I don't know if this was his first or second surname.
In any event, in Castrillòn there are now none left, and in the rest of Asturias there are 4 with that as a first surname and 3 as a second, so this may be a good line to search.
Concerning the surname Bango, this would also present little difficulty to find, I recall that there were two families in Castrillón, one originating in Las Chavolas and the other in Piedras Blancas, they were the owners of the moviehouse DIVAD, and it is more or less certain that they were interrelated by marriage, today there are 38 in the white pages, but there are many sibs.
Like Carlos, I think that the town must be
Villalegre, which belongs to
Corvera de Asturias, although this is now practically a part of Aviles. All of this region grew greatly in size with the introduction of Ensidesa, and many people from Castrillón who found work at Ensidesa, moved to live there.
I hope I have helped a bit.