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Calevilla Gonzalez

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:29 pm
by Lin
I am writing this for a friend in search of her roots.

Her grandfather was:
Vicente Ramon Caldevilla Gonzalez, born 3 May 1873 and immigrated to Canada about 1875.

Any assistance you can offer would be great.

Linda Castillo Valentino

Trans. Ana

Escribo de parte de una amiga que está buscando sus orígenes.

Su padre era Vicente Ramón Caldevilla González, nacido el 3 de mayo de 1873 y que emigró a Canadá hacia 1875.

Toda ayuda prestada será agradecida.

Linda Castilla Valentino

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:38 pm
by Bob
If you know the town where he was born, you could write to the registro civil and request a copy of his birth certificate. It's always best to write in castellano. If the town is fairly small, it may contain only one or two parishes, and it would be worth writing to the local priest(s) for copies of any parish records of birth and baptism.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:06 pm
by Lin
Thank you for posting so quickly.

One small correction, his first name was Vincente not Vicente (typo).

No, the town is not known. I sort of assumed Valladolids or Oviedo, two I recognise, but that's simply a guess on my part. I'm not overly familiar with Asturis, my family is from Navarra. That's reason to search out experts on area, hence my query here in forum.

Was the fee 10 Euros for search? I cannot remember.

Thank you again,

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:32 pm
by Anuska
Hi Linda!

Are you sure Vicente is a typo? I've never heard of Vincente as name, but Vicente.

Best regards,


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:09 pm
by Bob
As you search for your ancestors and other family members,keep in mind that today's Principality of Asturias was once th Province of Oviedo, with the city of Oviedo its capital city.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:19 pm
by Lin
Ana Lombao wrote:Hi Linda!

Are you sure Vicente is a typo? I've never heard of Vincente as name, but Vicente.

Best regards,

Ana, I spelt it how I spell it normally, but Victoria spelt it with added "N". Perhaps it was a typo on her part.

Thanks for responding,

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:21 pm
by Lin
Bob wrote:As you search for your ancestors and other family members,keep in mind that today's Principality of Asturias was once th Province of Oviedo, with the city of Oviedo its capital city.
Bob, thank you! That's excellent information to know.
