El manto en Asturias
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:39 pm
Buscando informacion sobre los Rucones y su historia, seguiendo uno de esos enlaces que hablan de los Astures (un pueblo mas grande al que los Rucones pertenecian) me doy con esta cita de Estrabón (historiador Griego de la antiguedad) describiendo a los Astures
habiendo visto aca muchas referencias al manto entre Asturianos modernos, me pregunto si es posible que el uso del manto continue sin interrupcion desde la antiguedad....
pd. hacen varias semanas que no paso por aca asi que aunque tarde aprovecho para desearles un Prospero año
Searching for info on the Rucones and their history, one of those links talked about the Asturs (larger group of people to which the Rucones belonged) I ran into this quote from Estrabon (ancient Greek historian) describing the Asturs
Having seen many references to capes among today's Asturians, I wonder if it is possible that the use of it continued uninterrupted from antiquity....
ps. it's been several weeks since I stop by, so I take this opportunity to wish you all a great year
Todos los montañeses hacen una vida sencilla, bebiendo agua, durmiendo en el suelo y llevando el pelo largo como las mujeres... Toman sus comidas sentados, haciendo alrededor de la pared bancos de piedras. La comida se sirve en giro. Durante la bebida bailan en rueda acompañados por flauta y corneta o también haciendo saltos y genuflexiones... Todos llevan generalmente capas negras y duermen sobre pajas envueltos en ellas. Las mujeres llevan sayos y vestidos con adorno floral. Usan recipientes de... etc
habiendo visto aca muchas referencias al manto entre Asturianos modernos, me pregunto si es posible que el uso del manto continue sin interrupcion desde la antiguedad....
pd. hacen varias semanas que no paso por aca asi que aunque tarde aprovecho para desearles un Prospero año
Searching for info on the Rucones and their history, one of those links talked about the Asturs (larger group of people to which the Rucones belonged) I ran into this quote from Estrabon (ancient Greek historian) describing the Asturs
The mountain people lead a simple life, drinking water, sleeping on the floor y wearing female-like long hair... Eat their foods sitting, on benches made out of rock lined up against the walls. The food is served in rounds. When it's time to drink they dance in circles accompanied by flutes and cornets or jumping and kneeling on one knee.... Generally speaking all wear black capes and sleep on hay covered by the capes. The women wear loose dresses with floral adornments. They use containers of ... ect.
Having seen many references to capes among today's Asturians, I wonder if it is possible that the use of it continued uninterrupted from antiquity....
ps. it's been several weeks since I stop by, so I take this opportunity to wish you all a great year