"Spanish Enclaves in the US: New York, circa 1936"
An illustrated lecture by James D. Fernández (NYU)
Friday, January 18, 2008
8:00 pm
Staten Island Museum
75 Stuyvesant Place, Staten Island, NY 10301
For further information, contact Diane Matyas at 718-483-7107. The program is free.
A talk about the Spanish neighborhoods of New York City in the early Twentieth Century, in the context of the history of Spanish emigration to the United States, by Dr. James D. Fernández, founding Director (1995-2007) of the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center and Professor of Spanish Literature at NYU. The talk will include videoclips from Fernández's oral history project on
Spanish New Yorkers.
Fernández is the co-editor, with Peter N. Carroll, of the book: "Facing Fascism: New York and the Spanish Civil War" (NYU Press, Museum of the City of New York, 2007). He is also the co-director, with Katie Halper, of the oral history DVD "New Yorkers Remember the Spanish Civil War." Both the book and the DVD will be available for purchase. Fernández is the grandson of Spaniards --asturianos-- who emigrated to Brooklyn around 1920.
The program complements the ongoing exhibition (through March) at the Staten Island Museum: "This Was Our Paradise Spanish Camp: 1929 - Today" which chronicles the story of the unique summer bungalow community as it flourished and finally met its end. Oral history, vintage photos, and a poignant photo essay by photographer Michael Falco.
Spaniards in New York circa 1936
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