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Hello from San Diego: Granda
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:07 pm
by JNGranda
Hi all, I ran into your forum while googling for Granda history. I'm originally from the Philippine province of Pampanga. Grandas in the Philippines are few, and as far as I know we're all related, concentrated in Bacolor & San Fernando (Pampanga), Manila, and Leyte. I'm told that my great, great, grandafather was from Asturias and came to the Philippines during colonial times (mid 1800's) originally settling in Leyte. He remained there and spawned our branch of the family. As I was reading a posting from a filipina, I noticed one of the respondents had the same last name as me. So here I am...
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:32 pm
by Art
Welcome, JN,
I'll send Granda a note so he's sure to see your post.
Bienvenido, JN:
Enviaré un mensaje a Granda para que notará tu mensaje.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:19 am
by JNGranda
Art wrote:Welcome, JN,
I'll send Granda a note so he's sure to see your post.
Bienvenido, JN:
Enviaré un mensaje a Granda para que notará tu mensaje.
Thanks Art! (or as they say in Capampangan/Pampangueño - the language of my home province, "Dacal a salamat" which means "Many thanks.")
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:01 pm
by granda
Hello JN,
This is the other Granda in the forum. Carlos has explained to us before the origen of our family name
His comments are in Spanish, but basically what it says is that the meaning of our surname is the name than in Asturias is given to particular type of terrain (small moor, with no vegetation and made of sand and or peebles)
The origen of the word is possibly pre-romanic, very likely celtic, or from an Indo european lenguage shared by celtic languagues.
There are several places called Granda in Asturias. The two biggest ones are placed in Gijon y Pola de Siero, but I remember other places called Granda in Lois (Castropol) and Carreno. There is also another place called Grandas de Salime.
I have no idea if we are related in any way. Since we share the same surname this is very likely. Do you know from where about in Asturias your great great father came from? My family is from the Granda of Pola de Siero. I will ask my dad if he knows if anyone of my familiy emigrated to the Philipines.
By the way I will be going to Philipines (Bulacan) this Easter. Will you be there?
Hola, JN,
Soy el otro Granda del foro. Carlos nos ha explicado el origen de nuestro apellido en el siguiente post
Su comentario es en espanol pero basicamente lo que dice es , apellido derivado del nombre propio de uno de los lugares llamados Granda (mismamente en Xixón hay uno), los topónimos derivados a su vez de un nombre común que designa un tipo de terreno, y etimología no derivada del latín, sino prerromana, posiblemente céltica o al menos indoeuropea compartida por lenguajes célticos.
Hay varios sitios llamados Granda en Asturias. Los dos mas grandes estan en Gijon y Pola de Siero, pero yo puedo recorder otros lugares llamados Granda enLois (Castropol) y Carreno. Hay tambien otro lugar llamado Grandas de Salime.
No tengo ni idas si estamos relacionados de alguna manera. Desde el momento en que compartimos el mismo apellido esto es muy possible. Tu sabes de que parte de Asturias tu familia viene. Mi familia es de Pola de Siero. Le preguntare a mi padre si el sabe si alguien de mi familia emigro a Filipinas
Por cierto, esta semana voy a estar en Filipinas (Bulacan) Estaras tu alli?
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:09 am
by JNGranda
Hi Granda, glad to make your acquaintance.
The father of a Spanish friend of mine told me once that his cousin was a Granda from Asturias. He said that there were not a lot of Grandas. On one of his visits, he came back with a genealogy report of the Granda surname and it even had a family crest. I don't recall what our family crest in the Philippines looked like, but I seem to remember seeing one when I was younger. I don't recall if the one on the report is similar to the one we had in the Philippines, but I posted this new one on my website. You can see it at grandaweb dot com.
I met another Granda sometime last year. He told me about the town of Granda just outside of Oviedo.
I can trace back 4 generations before me to a Francisco Granda. According to our records, he was a Spanish Creole from Iloilo City (in the central Philippines). I'm not sure that the word creole (criollo) had the same meaning then that it has now. I'm not sure if that meant Francisco was half-Spanish or simply born in one of the colonies instead of Spain. Supposedly, he was a full blooded Spaniard and was referred to as Castillian. I think they referred to all Spaniards as Castillian... the word Spaniard is not used often. It would be interesting if any of your relatives have any records that mention him. Like I said, there are not many of us in the Philippines and up until last year, I had not met a Granda that I was not related to.
Oh, I am told that our roots go back to Oviedo, but I don't have a record of this and cannot be certain.
Unfortunately, I will not be in the Philippines during your visit. If you have time, I can pass the word to my cousins in Manila (not far from Bulacan) and I'm sure they would arrange to meet with you.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:16 am
by granda
Hi Granda,
As per what you wrote for sure we are related in some way. I don't have an idea of how our family crest looks like. However I remember once having a look at the " Enciclopedia Asturiana" and all crest were very similar one to each other. Next time I am in Asturias I will have another look at the Enciclopedia to see if there is a match with your crest.
I have asked my father whether he is aware of any of our anscestors going to Phillipines. I am afraid 4 generations is quite a long time back and he doesnt know.
The word creole was applied to the native-born descendants of the Spanish. The creoles were distinguished from the natives, and from people born in Spain. That adds a minimum of an extra generation (5) to the account. Probably the parents of Francisco Granda were the ones born in Asturias.
Send me an private message with the contact details of your relatives in Manila, if I have time for sure I will give them a ring once I am there next week.
Hola Granda,
Seguro que estamos relacionados de alguna manera. Realmente no tengo ni idea de como el escudo de nuestra familia es. Solo recuerdo echar un vistazo una vez a la Enciclopedia Asturias, todos los escudos granda me parecian muy similares entre si. La proxima vez que este en Asturias echare un vistazo de nuevo al libro a ver si encuentro una equivalencia con el tuyo.
Le pregunte a mi padre si el sabe si alguno de nuestros antepasados fue a Filipinas. Desgraciadamente 4 generaciones son muchas y el no sabe
La palabra criollo se aplicaba a los nacidos en colonias descendientes de Espanoles. Los criollos eran consideraos de modo diferente a los natives y a los nacidos en Espana. Eso anade seguramente una generacion extra (5) a la cuenta , ya que seguramente los padres de Francisco Granda fueron los nacidos en Asturias.
Enviame un privado con el numero de telefono de tus familiares en Manila y mirare de contactarlos cuando este alli
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:58 am
by JNGranda
Hi Granda,
Unfortunately, I am too new to send you am PM. Would you mind sending me one with your email info? How long are you planning on being in the Philippines?
I hope you enjoy your trip!