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zarabayon - rough - tosco

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:41 am
by is
zarabayon: pronounced Thar-ah-bah-YONE, axetivu (adjective). In some counties of West Asturias also pronounced as zarabal.lon, Thar-ah-bah-TSONE. Derived from the word ‘zarabayu’, something rough-hewn, coarse or uncouth. Used in reference to things or people, as in extremely blustery weather, a sloppy piece of work or an ungainly person. People that are inept or bad at fixing things can be referred to as zarabayon/-ona, i.e. butterfingers.

Synonyms at inclement, rugged, tempestuous, cacophonous, choppy, discordant, harsh, boorish, brutish, crass, crude, dirty, filthy, foul. For persons: loutish, lowbred, raffish, raunchy, ribald, bungling, unmannerly, unpolished, graceless, oafish, maladroit.

Usage examples:

Ta’l tiempu zarabayon! [The weather is extremely inclement; courtesy of Anton, from the gas station in La Puela/Pola de Allande]
Esi rapaz ia un zarabayas. Mira el desorden que tien na sua habitacion. [That kid is a mess. Just look at the chaos in his room]
Na l.lariega, la fia de L.linu siempre foi un pouco zarabayona. [L.linu’s daughter was always a tad sloppy in the kitchen]