Garranché es apellido asturiano?
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:23 pm
Me gustaria saber si el apellido Garranché es asturiano. Según parece el abuelo de mi madre se apellidaba de esta manera, pero no encuentro información al respecto de este apellido en ningun sitio. Gracias.
Me he dado cuenta de que la mayoria se traduce sus mensajes al ingles, pero yo no lo hablo ni lo entiendo. ¿alguien podria hacerlo para que todos puedan leerlo? Gracias de nuevo.
Translated by Bob
I would like to know if the surname Garranché is Asturian. It seems that my maternal greatgrandfather had this name, but I have found no information about this surname anywhere. Thanks.
I've noticed that most people translate their messages into English, but I neither speak nor understand it. Can someone translate for me so that everyone can read it? Thanks again.
Me he dado cuenta de que la mayoria se traduce sus mensajes al ingles, pero yo no lo hablo ni lo entiendo. ¿alguien podria hacerlo para que todos puedan leerlo? Gracias de nuevo.
Translated by Bob
I would like to know if the surname Garranché is Asturian. It seems that my maternal greatgrandfather had this name, but I have found no information about this surname anywhere. Thanks.
I've noticed that most people translate their messages into English, but I neither speak nor understand it. Can someone translate for me so that everyone can read it? Thanks again.