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AsturianUS documentary on History Channel Sept 27 2008

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:52 pm
by Art
[Art: Terechu sent this to us by email.]

I've just watched Luis Argeo's documentary "AsturianUS" on the History Channel! They will rerun it on Saturday, Sept. 27th at 1:00 and 9:00 a.m. CET.

I'm not sure if the program schedules are the same for every country, but it might be worthwhile your looking into it. I knew this was world-class stuff. Pass the word!

trans. Art (...even though it's ridiculous for me to translate for Terechu!)

!Acabo de ver el documental "AsturianoUS" de Luis Argeo en el History Channel! Se lo vuelva a ejecutar el sábado, Sept. 27th (2008) a la 1.00 y las 9.00 horas CET.

No estoy seguro si el programa de horarios es lo mismo para todos los países, pero podría valer la pena buscarlo. Sabía que era de clase mundial. !Comparte las noticias!

Link to AsturiasUS

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:43 am
by drsancho
[Art: Sorry, I removed the link because the video is pirated.

Art: Lo siento, quité el eslabón porque el video es pirateado.]

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:05 pm
by Art
Whoever posted that video on Google is violating Luis Argeo's copyrights. Luis tells me that he did not give permission to post that video.

Why does this matter? Luis is self-employed. He is not at all wealthy. He spent a considerable amount of money creating the video. He deserves to recoup that investment, which is an investment in our common culture.

If you want to see the video, please buy a copy.


Quienquiera haya pegado ese vídeo a Google infringe los derechos de autor de Luis Argeo. Luis me dice que no dio permiso para publicar ese vídeo.

¿Por qué importa este asunto? Luis trabaja por cuenta propia. No se halla rico de ninguna manera. Gastó una cantidad de dinero considerable creando el vídeo. Merece recuperar esa inversión, la que es una inversión en nuestra cultura común.

Si deseas ver el video, por favor, compra un DVD.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:05 pm
by Ron Gonzalez
I agree with you it's a shame that this can be done to Luis. He put a lot of work into this film.

Trans. Ana


Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Es una vergüenza que le hagan esto a Luis que tanto trabajó para hacer este documental.

I disagree.

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:20 am
by drsancho
I believe from a marketing standpoint your decision to remove the link was counter productive. This type of documentary is for a particular niche market and as such the set of customers who would buy the product would not settle for a low grade pirated copy but instead would purchase a legitimate one. On the contrary the posting of this link on 'youtube' and particularly this forum would serve only to increase sales. There are many example of this phenomenon in the Online world of marketing.

I suggest you repost the link, as a preview, along with the link for purchasing a legitimate copy. [With the permission of author.]


Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:16 am
by Art
I understand your marketing argument. With permission, we offer for download mp3's of the latest CD our friends in Felpeyu. They make a living from their concerts and touring, not from CD sales, so the free downloads help them drum up interest in their live performances.

I'd guess that a documentary movie maker has significantly less opportunity to show their work and even less chance of getting paid when the work is shown. So that marketing model may not work for Luis. Luis also has partners who have a say in how the documentary is marketed. His case is more complicated that you suggest.

At any rate, the decision is for Luis and his partners to make. If Luis wants us to post it, that'd be wonderful. He has not chosen that option. If you know him, you could write to him.


Entiendo tu argumentos de márketing. Con permiso ofrecemos para descargar mp3s del último CD de nuestros amigos de Felpeyu. Se ganan la vida de sus conciertos y giras, y no de ventas de CDs, por lo que utilizan descargas gratuitas para ayudarles obtener más interés en sus actuaciones en directo.

Me imagino que una artista documentales tendría mucho menos oportunidades de mostrar su obra y aún menos posibilidades de cobrar cuando su obra se muestra. Tal vez esa modelo de comercialización no funcione para Luis. Luis también cuenta con socios que tienen una voz en el documental sobre cómo se comercializa. Su caso es más complicado de lo que sugieres.

En cualquier caso, la decisión es para Luis y sus socios. Si Luis quiere ponerlo, nos alegraría. No ha elegido esa opción. Si le conoces a él, puedes escribirle.


Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:42 pm
by GaiteruCorvera
He tenido oportunidad de ver el mágnífico documental, y no he podido no emocionarme, uno se siente orgulloso de aquellos que marcharon a por pan tan lejos y nunca se olvidaron de donde venían y así se lo inculcaron a los suyos.
El amor por la tierra es una pasión digna de estudio, como la madre patria ata con fuerza a sus hijos que la adoran con amor.

Un abrazo pa tos y toes,
que tais tan lejos y
vos sentís tan cerca de ASTURIES!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:36 pm
by Ron Gonzalez
I, for one, have never forgotten my Asturian roots and I never will. I had the love of an Asturian grandmother and parents. As I look back over my childhood, I remember the things they taught me: Be proud of who you are and where you came from.

Any one with an Asturian grandmother knows the love they have for their family. The only thing that made me a little sad in the making of AsturianUS was that the people that made it all possible were not here to see it. There are some in the documentary that are no longer with us. We all miss them, but we can visit with them every time we play the film.

Yes, I'm proud to have come from strong Asturian roots. I fly the flag of Asturias outside my home, along side of the American flag. When I was young boy, an old Asturian immigrant told me, "You don't know who you are 'til you know where you came from." I've never forgotten his words.