llagar - cider cellar - lagar
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:28 am
llagar: pronounced Yah-GAHR. Sustantivu (noun), plural form llagares. In Asturias, a llagar is the manufacturing site for cider where the apples are pressed. The juice is fermented and stored in oak barrels known as pipes.
Each llagar gives the name to the cider produced there as in Llagar Trabanco, Llagar Corsino, Llagar Ca Penon, Llagar Bernueces, Llagar Vda d’Angelon.
A llagar is also the site of the Asturian espicha (plural form espiches), a wedding celebration or communal gathering in which cold cuts and finger food are served while the guests drink cider directly on tap at the barrels.
In Asturian, the cider manufacturer is known as llagareru (plural form llagareros). The word llagar is etymologically related to German Lager (storehouse, warehouse or cellar) and the verb lagern (to store or keep in a cool place).
Usage examples:
Rafi casose nun llagar xunto la carretera. [Rafi got married in a cider cellar next to the road.]
Au ta’l llagar Bernueces? [Where is the Bernueces cider cellar?]
Nel llagar Trabanco hai espicha esti sabadu pal equipu natacion. [This Saturday there’s an espicha for the swim team at the Trabanco cider cellar.]
Fuimos mercar sidra n’Albandi al llagar de Ca Penon. [We went to buy cider at the Ca Penon cider cellar in Albandi.]
Each llagar gives the name to the cider produced there as in Llagar Trabanco, Llagar Corsino, Llagar Ca Penon, Llagar Bernueces, Llagar Vda d’Angelon.
A llagar is also the site of the Asturian espicha (plural form espiches), a wedding celebration or communal gathering in which cold cuts and finger food are served while the guests drink cider directly on tap at the barrels.
In Asturian, the cider manufacturer is known as llagareru (plural form llagareros). The word llagar is etymologically related to German Lager (storehouse, warehouse or cellar) and the verb lagern (to store or keep in a cool place).
Usage examples:
Rafi casose nun llagar xunto la carretera. [Rafi got married in a cider cellar next to the road.]
Au ta’l llagar Bernueces? [Where is the Bernueces cider cellar?]
Nel llagar Trabanco hai espicha esti sabadu pal equipu natacion. [This Saturday there’s an espicha for the swim team at the Trabanco cider cellar.]
Fuimos mercar sidra n’Albandi al llagar de Ca Penon. [We went to buy cider at the Ca Penon cider cellar in Albandi.]