Saludo de Presentación
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:01 am
Hola a tod@s:
Mi nombre es Domingo, nacido en Sevilla de padres Gallego y Asturiana. He vivido en Los Estados Unidos de América y he vuelto a Sevilla. Me gustaría hacer amig@s asturianus, ya sean residentes en España o en cualquier parte del mundo.
trans. Art
Hello everyone:
My name is Domingo. I was born in Sevilla, the child of a Galician father and an Asturian mother. I've lived in the USA and have returned to Sevilla. I'd liek to make Asturian friends, whether they're living in Spain or whatever other part of the world.
Mi nombre es Domingo, nacido en Sevilla de padres Gallego y Asturiana. He vivido en Los Estados Unidos de América y he vuelto a Sevilla. Me gustaría hacer amig@s asturianus, ya sean residentes en España o en cualquier parte del mundo.
trans. Art
Hello everyone:
My name is Domingo. I was born in Sevilla, the child of a Galician father and an Asturian mother. I've lived in the USA and have returned to Sevilla. I'd liek to make Asturian friends, whether they're living in Spain or whatever other part of the world.