Oficialidá del asturianu, ¡YA!
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:23 am
Claro que ye un drechu. Les autoridaes españoles nun valoren esti patrimoniu vivu n'Asturies. Munches coses poemos llograr cola oficialidá de la nuesa llingua, como lo que pasó col Guaraní, oficializáu cola Constitución Paraguaya de 1992. Una llingua autóctona del continente americanu, de miles d'años d'antigüedá, permanez viva en más de 6 millones de persones, nes escueles, nos medios masivos de comunicación y na conciencia de la xente. Foi un llogro mui grande. Lo mismo ocurre'n Bolivia cola so Nueva Constitución.
Trans. Is
Of course it's a civil right. The Spanish authorities do not value this legacy of Asturias, which is still alive. We can achieve many things by granting a legal framework to our language, just as was the case of Guarani [Amerindian language of Paraguay] which became an official language with the Constitution of 1992. That is how an indigenous language with thousands of years of history was kept alive in a country of 6 million. This was done by making it official in schools, in the media and through awareness campaigns among the people. It was a noteworthy achievement too. The same legal changes have taken place in Bolivia with its new constitution.
Trans. Is
Of course it's a civil right. The Spanish authorities do not value this legacy of Asturias, which is still alive. We can achieve many things by granting a legal framework to our language, just as was the case of Guarani [Amerindian language of Paraguay] which became an official language with the Constitution of 1992. That is how an indigenous language with thousands of years of history was kept alive in a country of 6 million. This was done by making it official in schools, in the media and through awareness campaigns among the people. It was a noteworthy achievement too. The same legal changes have taken place in Bolivia with its new constitution.