Buscando informacion de apellidos Granda y Gonzalez
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:30 am
Hello... Hola!!
I'm trying to find any information about my family.
I have some pretty good information about aunts and uncles and grandparents. But anything further back is all in Spain and I don't know where to start looking.
My Grandfather on my father's is Antonio Granda Muniz from Ponga... near Cangas De Onis. He emigrated to Cuba (not sure when) and after Castro confiscated his property he moved to Tampa Florida.
My Grandfather on my mother's side is Ramon Gonzalez Fernandez originally from Miranda near Aviles. He emgrated to Cuba and went to Tampa in 1921.
He then went back to Spain before the civil war and lived in Gijon where he owned a restaurant that my mother says was pretty famous in it's time "Bar La Barra" near la Calle Corrida.
Any information would be great!!
Estoy buscando informacion de mi familia
My abuelo por parte de mi padre era Antonio Granda Muniz... de Ponga cerca de Cangas De Onis. El emigro a Cuba Y luego a Tampa, Florida.
Mi abuelo por parte de mi madre era Ramon Gonzalez Fernandez de Miranda cerca de Aviles. El tambien fue a Cuba y a Tampa... pero regreso a Espana antes de la Guerra Civil y vivio en Gijon done tuvo un restaurante que segun mi madre fue bastante famose. "Bar La Barra" cerca de la calle Corrida. El tambien fue camarero en el Restaurante "El Oriental"
Yo de pequeno vivi en Gijon y fui al colegio alli. Le tengo mucho amor a Asturias y quiseira saber mas de mi familia.
I'm trying to find any information about my family.
I have some pretty good information about aunts and uncles and grandparents. But anything further back is all in Spain and I don't know where to start looking.
My Grandfather on my father's is Antonio Granda Muniz from Ponga... near Cangas De Onis. He emigrated to Cuba (not sure when) and after Castro confiscated his property he moved to Tampa Florida.
My Grandfather on my mother's side is Ramon Gonzalez Fernandez originally from Miranda near Aviles. He emgrated to Cuba and went to Tampa in 1921.
He then went back to Spain before the civil war and lived in Gijon where he owned a restaurant that my mother says was pretty famous in it's time "Bar La Barra" near la Calle Corrida.
Any information would be great!!
Estoy buscando informacion de mi familia
My abuelo por parte de mi padre era Antonio Granda Muniz... de Ponga cerca de Cangas De Onis. El emigro a Cuba Y luego a Tampa, Florida.
Mi abuelo por parte de mi madre era Ramon Gonzalez Fernandez de Miranda cerca de Aviles. El tambien fue a Cuba y a Tampa... pero regreso a Espana antes de la Guerra Civil y vivio en Gijon done tuvo un restaurante que segun mi madre fue bastante famose. "Bar La Barra" cerca de la calle Corrida. El tambien fue camarero en el Restaurante "El Oriental"
Yo de pequeno vivi en Gijon y fui al colegio alli. Le tengo mucho amor a Asturias y quiseira saber mas de mi familia.