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spanish good luck symbols

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:23 pm
by Trina Gonzalez
growing up my sisters and I each got a little silver bracelet with one black fist and one white fist that we called a punyes (sorry about the spelling). I of course lost mine at least 50 years ago and was wondering where i could get another one After looking on the internet I found out the fists were called figa or higa. Can anyone help me?

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:56 pm
by granda
You mean a 'figa' It is an amulet agains the devils eye. Usually made of jet black.
Traditionally the Asturian mothers used to put them besides the new born babies to protect them against diseases.
They are easily available in any Handicraft shop/market all over Asturias.

Te refieres a una figa. Es un amuleto contra el mal de ojo. Normalmente hecho de azabache.
Antiguamente las madres asturianas solian colocarlos al lado de los recien nacidos para protegerlos de enfermedades.
Se encuentran facialmente en tiendas de artesania y mercados de toda Asturias.
