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¿quien quiere ir a asturias?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:08 pm
by tierradenadie
una amiga británica dijo su amiga, otra británica quien vive en españa, que me voy a mudar pronto a asturias. esto es que ha escrito a jan, mi amiga:

Of course i know people in every corner of >spain, In asturias, Severino and Danielle (she's Swiss so might speak English) in Agüero, on the coast near VilaViciosa. They have a little visitor's centre and breed asturcon ponies, so they will know people all over the place. It's called Ca'
L'Asturcon (the Ca' being short for casa, house) and might even have a
web page, or would be findable by some searching in tourist
information i should think. They have a very nice little museum about
asturcons. He makes lovely pottery. I don't know why anyone would want to go to Asturias, it rains an awful lot. If you can't find them i
will try harder.

I have two swallows nesting right above my bed. They came back three weeks ago.


Trans. Is

una amiga británica dijo su amiga, otra británica quien vive en españa, que me voy a mudar pronto a asturias. esto es que ha escrito a jan, mi amiga:

Conozo a xente en muitos l.lugares d'Espana. N'Asturias, a Severino ya Danielle ( ia suiza ya seique fala ingles) n'Argueru, na costa xunto a Villaviciosa. Tienen un centru de vsitantes ya crian pol.linos d'asturcon, asina que dexuro conocen a muita xente na redolea. Chamase Ca l'Asturcon (la 'Ca' quier decir 'casa') ya igual tienen paxina gueb. Senon igual la toupas nun buscador. Tienen un museu muitu guapu pa los asturcones. Ya'l paisanu fai ceramica mui guapa. Nun conozo a naide que quixera dir p'Asturias porque l.lueve muitu. Si nun los toupas, vou ver si sou quien you.

Por cierto, hai un neru de paxarinos enrriba la mia cama. Tornanon vei 3 selmanas.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:35 am
by is
Tierradenaide, Gruesse aus Asturien! It's not as if you didn't know that it rains a lot in Asturias. It does. Although I've just been here one day, the weather has been spring-like. I spent all day yesterday digging up earth to plant potatoes yesterday. Although the earth is wet, it hasn't rained yet.

Here's a link with pictures of the asturcones, it's an ancient breed of indigenous ponies sometimes related to the so-called Celtic domesticated animals. In the Basque Country and Navarre, a similar breed is known as pottoka. And I forget what they're called in Galicia.

Anyhow, I've heard good things about Ca l'Asturcon in Argueru. German friends of mine stayed there once and loved it. The village (more like a scattered group of farmsteads) is quite authentic too. I spent summers there as a kid and know some local families. In fact, my brother and I used to collect snails and sell them at the local restaurant, Casa Moris. The beach (Playa Meron) is small, but really cool for skin diving. They've also found dinosaur tracks there. ... -2008.html

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:54 am
by Ron Gonzalez
You know I think the landscape ,as well as the weather is one of the reason that our people liked West Virginia. I found that the landscape very much alike ,they were at home here.

Trans. Is

Peimeque el paisaxe, xunto col clima, foi una de les razones poles que la xente asturiano se afayo tan guapamente en West Virginia (Virxinia occidental). Cuido que los elementos del paisaxe son abondo paecios y, poro, sintieronse como en casa.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:26 am
by tierradenadie
Is wrote:Tierradenaide, Gruesse aus Asturien!...I spent all day yesterday digging up earth to plant potatoes yesterday.
pfüadi paul, ¿por qué querrías comprar una hacienda en asturias? parece pasas más tiempo en el aire ~~aviones~~ que cualquiera. wieauchimmer, sei so gut und heb für mich ein bißchen dreck auf zum (drum)herum buddeln dort drüben, oben, unten...! p.d.: papas? ¡viva las/los gnocchi!* servus, peter


Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:36 am
by Art
Lots of rain means lots of greenery. The rain is what makes Asturias beautiful. And the clouds, seen from above when you get into the high mountains are spectacular, too.

Another positive feature is that Asturias is also rather temperate, not too cold, not too hot.


Mucha lluvia indica un montón de vegetación. La lluvia es lo que hace hermosa a Asturias. Y las nubes, visto desde arriba cuando estás en la alta montaña son espectaculares, también.

Otro aspecto positivo es que Asturias es bastante templado, no demasiado frío, no demasiado caliente.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:39 am
by Pruvia
Tienes razón Art, yo prefiero las nubes al sol.
En mi opinión el verano es el peor momenot para visitar Asturias, a mi me gusta más en otoño, con los bosques en mil tonalidades de marrón, rojo, gris, ...

Trans. Is

You're right, Art, I prefer clouds to sunny weather. I also think summertime is not the best time to visit Asturias. I prefer the fall when the foliage turns brown, red, gray, ...

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 5:51 am
by Terechu
It's funny, coming from an Englishwoman, to say that it rains a lot here. It not only rains, it pours! This winter it started raining in October and stopped last week (more or less).
But hey, it rains a lot more in England and it's colder into the bargain!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:10 am
by tierradenadie
Terechu wrote:This winter it started raining in October and stopped last week (more or less)!
servus terechu, esto podría ser una pregunta tonta, pero, ¿hay una explicación básica porque llueve sin proporción durante el octubre y el marzo? the jet-streams?, etc?? ~ tschüß, peter

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:07 am
by Terechu
Servus Peter,
Este invierno no fue normal. Los últimos años tuvimos inviernos muy suaves y no empezó a llover ni a hacer frío hasta enero.
Aquí las primaveras son frescas, porque el mar aún está frío hasta junio, y cuando sopla viento de componente norte suele ponerse fresco.
Lo que sí es verdad, es que si tienes un rincón resguardado y soleado, puedes estar sentado fuera casi todo el año.

This is not being a normal winter. The last years we had extremely warm, dry autumns and it didn't start raining or get cold until January. Springtime here is usually cool, because the ocean is still cold from winter until June or so, and whenever northern winds blow it gets chilly.

However, and this is important, if you have a sunny, sheltered nook you can sit outdoors on sunny days almost all year around.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:59 am
by tierradenadie
Terechu wrote: Lo que sí es verdad, es que si tienes un rincón ....
jaja, sí, el (in&famous) poder del coco: ... tummo.html

{ "it 's all in your head" <-> famous last words }

hasta pronto terechu ~ peter