Mt. Carondio: A Llastra da Filadoira (dolmen)
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:07 am
After several attempts, we finally located the Llastra da Filadoira on a very wet morning. The megalith and the stone alignment next to it have already been discussed by Mouguias in the following thread: ... 1416#11416
The dolmen and the burial mounds in the Carondio mountain range historically belonged to County Ayande (Allande). After the border was redrawn between counties (technically a conceyu or concello is a ‘council’, not a county), the Llastra da Filadoira is now just over the demarcation line in County Eilao (Illano). The highland heath separates the Navia River Valley from the Narcea River Valley. This is also an ancient tribal and language border.
As Mouguias described it, the high altitude (925 meters; 3,034 feet) and barren landscape make the Llastra da Filadoira quite a haunting place. Geologically, the area is a mix of slate and quartzite from the Cambrian and Ordovician periods. The Neolithic site, referred to by locals in Eirias (Herias) as ‘A tumba’ (the tomb) or ‘A pedrua’ (the large stone), lies at the foot of Mt. Carondio (1,222 meters; 4,009 feet). According to GoogleEarth, a rough GPS reading for the dolmen is: 43°19’ 27 N and 6° 46’ 02 W.
Known as the Carreiriega de los Gal.legos (the passage or causeway of the Galicians), the burial sites date to the Late Neolithic. A man we met down in Eirias told us he used to work as ‘vareixador’ (pole shaker for chestnut trees) when he was young and made frequent trips to La Puela (Pola de Allande) along the Carreiriega, which took 3 hours. We forgot to ask if he did it on foot or on horseback.
According to field work done in 1983 by anthropologist Armando Graña, in which he documented 34 interconnected megalithic sites, the Carondio mountain range is a cultural continuum that starts at the dolmen of Filadoira and runs all the way up to the Altu La Marta, a distance of about 11 kilometers (6.8 miles).
Unfortunately, this is precisely where one of Asturias’ new 33 wind farms is projected to go up, with all the damage it entails to archaeological sites. We still have time (April 2009) to convince the archaeological service in Asturias that it should stop the large-scale destruction of this unique Neolithic site. I will be posting email addresses this week where you can send quick emails to local authorities.
Meanwhile, here are a few pictures to whet (or wet) your appetite and go for a hike to A Llastra da Filadoira:
Foi la 3er vez que xubieramos a Carondio a la gueta da Llastra da Filadoira. Del megalitu, tamen conociu cumo ‘dolmen d’Enterrios’, xa falou Mouguias no filu: ... 1416#11416
Las tumbas ya outros tumulos na cordal de Carondio fadian parte del Conceyu d’Ayande (Allande) hasta vei pouco, cuando refixenon la l.linea de demarcacion pa col conceyo vecin d’Eilao (Illano). Agora ta del l.lau d’Eilao.
Filadoira ta nuna l.lanada alta con uzales que fai de ente’l val.le del Rio Navia ya’l del Narcea. Tamen ia una fronteira prehistorica ente xentes ya falas.
Cumo describiu Mouguias, tratase d'una campa a 925m. El paisaxe ermo fai que ‘A Pedrua’ tenga presencia cuasique iconica. El tarren ia pizarroso, con peneos de cuarcita del Cambrico ya Ordovicico. Filadoira ta al pia de Carondio, un monte de 1.222m. Una coordenada no GoogleEarth da: 43°19’ 27 N and 6° 46’ 02 W.
Muitos conocen el carreiro que pasaba cumo la Carreiriega de los Gal.legos. Un paisanu n’Eirias (Herias) cuntaranos que trabayou de mozu de vareixador ya que tardaba 3 horas en chegar a La Puela (Pola de Allande). Esqueicimos entruga-y si diba a pia ou montau a caballo.
Segun un trabayu de campu que feixo l’antropologo Armando Graña en 1983, la sierra ou 'a serra' de Carondio tien 34 xacimientos neoliticos (tumulos, megalitos) que fain un continuum d'unos 10km dende’l dolmen de Filadoira hasta chegar al Altu la Marta.
La pena ia que aiqui ia au el Principau, altravies d'una filial d'enerxia renovables de HC Energia chamada NEO Energia, quier l.lantar un de los 33 novos parques eolicos n’Asturias, con tou el desaniciu que tien pa sitios arqueoloxicos cumo Carondio.
Inda hai tiempu (abril 2009) pa presentar alegaciones ya afalar a la Conseyeria de Cultura del Principau a que ponga torgas al plan. Vou poner la direicion no foru pa sumase a esta iniciativa de base.
Aiqui van del.las semeyas da Llastra da Filadoira que fixeramos esi dia:
The dolmen and the burial mounds in the Carondio mountain range historically belonged to County Ayande (Allande). After the border was redrawn between counties (technically a conceyu or concello is a ‘council’, not a county), the Llastra da Filadoira is now just over the demarcation line in County Eilao (Illano). The highland heath separates the Navia River Valley from the Narcea River Valley. This is also an ancient tribal and language border.
As Mouguias described it, the high altitude (925 meters; 3,034 feet) and barren landscape make the Llastra da Filadoira quite a haunting place. Geologically, the area is a mix of slate and quartzite from the Cambrian and Ordovician periods. The Neolithic site, referred to by locals in Eirias (Herias) as ‘A tumba’ (the tomb) or ‘A pedrua’ (the large stone), lies at the foot of Mt. Carondio (1,222 meters; 4,009 feet). According to GoogleEarth, a rough GPS reading for the dolmen is: 43°19’ 27 N and 6° 46’ 02 W.
Known as the Carreiriega de los Gal.legos (the passage or causeway of the Galicians), the burial sites date to the Late Neolithic. A man we met down in Eirias told us he used to work as ‘vareixador’ (pole shaker for chestnut trees) when he was young and made frequent trips to La Puela (Pola de Allande) along the Carreiriega, which took 3 hours. We forgot to ask if he did it on foot or on horseback.
According to field work done in 1983 by anthropologist Armando Graña, in which he documented 34 interconnected megalithic sites, the Carondio mountain range is a cultural continuum that starts at the dolmen of Filadoira and runs all the way up to the Altu La Marta, a distance of about 11 kilometers (6.8 miles).
Unfortunately, this is precisely where one of Asturias’ new 33 wind farms is projected to go up, with all the damage it entails to archaeological sites. We still have time (April 2009) to convince the archaeological service in Asturias that it should stop the large-scale destruction of this unique Neolithic site. I will be posting email addresses this week where you can send quick emails to local authorities.
Meanwhile, here are a few pictures to whet (or wet) your appetite and go for a hike to A Llastra da Filadoira:
Foi la 3er vez que xubieramos a Carondio a la gueta da Llastra da Filadoira. Del megalitu, tamen conociu cumo ‘dolmen d’Enterrios’, xa falou Mouguias no filu: ... 1416#11416
Las tumbas ya outros tumulos na cordal de Carondio fadian parte del Conceyu d’Ayande (Allande) hasta vei pouco, cuando refixenon la l.linea de demarcacion pa col conceyo vecin d’Eilao (Illano). Agora ta del l.lau d’Eilao.
Filadoira ta nuna l.lanada alta con uzales que fai de ente’l val.le del Rio Navia ya’l del Narcea. Tamen ia una fronteira prehistorica ente xentes ya falas.
Cumo describiu Mouguias, tratase d'una campa a 925m. El paisaxe ermo fai que ‘A Pedrua’ tenga presencia cuasique iconica. El tarren ia pizarroso, con peneos de cuarcita del Cambrico ya Ordovicico. Filadoira ta al pia de Carondio, un monte de 1.222m. Una coordenada no GoogleEarth da: 43°19’ 27 N and 6° 46’ 02 W.
Muitos conocen el carreiro que pasaba cumo la Carreiriega de los Gal.legos. Un paisanu n’Eirias (Herias) cuntaranos que trabayou de mozu de vareixador ya que tardaba 3 horas en chegar a La Puela (Pola de Allande). Esqueicimos entruga-y si diba a pia ou montau a caballo.
Segun un trabayu de campu que feixo l’antropologo Armando Graña en 1983, la sierra ou 'a serra' de Carondio tien 34 xacimientos neoliticos (tumulos, megalitos) que fain un continuum d'unos 10km dende’l dolmen de Filadoira hasta chegar al Altu la Marta.
La pena ia que aiqui ia au el Principau, altravies d'una filial d'enerxia renovables de HC Energia chamada NEO Energia, quier l.lantar un de los 33 novos parques eolicos n’Asturias, con tou el desaniciu que tien pa sitios arqueoloxicos cumo Carondio.
Inda hai tiempu (abril 2009) pa presentar alegaciones ya afalar a la Conseyeria de Cultura del Principau a que ponga torgas al plan. Vou poner la direicion no foru pa sumase a esta iniciativa de base.
Aiqui van del.las semeyas da Llastra da Filadoira que fixeramos esi dia: