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Asturian soldiers in Basque Country

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:51 am
by is
The New York Times has a story today (April 30, 2009) about 3 cardboard boxes containing rolls of film taken during the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa, his partner Taro, and Seymour (a.k.a., Chim).

The rolls have now been developed by the International Center of Photography. A few of the pictures feature an Asturian soldier in the Basque region. The NYT also misplaces the city of Xixon (Gijon) in the Basque Country.

It will be interesting to see the pictures of Civil War refugees in internment camps in France. There's never been much documentation about the camps, according to historians, possibly because the French reacted ambiguously (remained neutral) to Franco.

The article is here: ... ?th&emc=th

The slide show is here: ... index.html

Trans. Ana

El New York Times publica hoy (30 de abril de 2009) un artículo sobre tres cajas de cartón en las que se han encontrado rollos de película rodados durante la Guerra Civil por Robert Capa, su compañera Taro y Seymous (también conocido como Chim).

El Centro Internacional de Fotografía se ha encargado de revelar los carretes. Algunas de las fotografías muestran a un soldado asturiano en la región del País Vasco. El NYT también ubica erróneamente la ciudad de Gijón (Xixón) en el País Vasco.

Sería interesante ver fotografías de refugiados de la Guerra Civil en los campos de internamientoen Francia. Según los historiadores, nunca ha habido mucha documentación sobre dichos campos debido, posiblemente, a la ambigüedad (permanecieron neutrales) con la que reaccionaron los franceses hacia la figura de Franco.

Enlace al artículo: ... ?th&emc=th

Enlace a la presentación: ... index.html

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:53 pm
by is
Gracias pola torna, Ana! Ando con pouco tiempu agora, asina que agradezcotelo muitu! Peimeque que ia interesante la hestoria esta de los carretes ensin revealr de la Guerra Civil...


Thanks for translating, Ana! I'm on deadline and have little time to translate, so I really appreciate it! I thought this story about the undeveloped rolls of film with images of the Spanish Civil War was really interesting...

Guerra Civil Photos

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:58 pm
by Bob
This announcement may be of interest to our members in the NYC area.

Friday, May 1, 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (download program)

Documenting Displacement: Images of Spanish Civil War Refugees - A Symposium

The UN has described the twentieth century as the century of the refugee. Wars, revolutions, decolonization and economic globalization have uprooted and displaced millions of people worldwide. The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) caused a refugee crisis of unprecedented proportions—millions of displaced in Spain and more than 500,000 in France—that, like the war, was widely covered by photographers and filmmakers from around the world. Never before had the human consequences of armed conflict been documented in such visual detail. How was the refugees’ story told initially, and how did that story change during World War II, after the defeat of fascism, and during the Cold War? Did the Spanish war mark the visual birth of the modern refugee? This interdisciplinary symposium will feature seven speakers, more than an hour’s worth of rare documentary footage, and scores of unknown images of Spanish refugees from the recently recuperated archives of Robert Capa, Gerda Taro, and “Chim” Seymour.


• 3:00p Opening remarks by Jo Labanyi and Sebastiaan Faber

• 3:15 Panel 1: The Visual Politics of Refugee Aid, 1939-1965
• 3:15 Ione Robinson’s Portraits of War and Exile: Barcelona 1938,
Argeles 1939—Francie Cate-Arries
• 3:35 Moving the Public: the Politics of Spanish Refugee Aid—
Soledad Fox
• 3:55 Walter Rosenblum and the Unitarians (1946)—Sebastiaan
• 4:15 Screening of Spain in Exile (Zúñiga/Falkenberg, 1946, 15’)
• 4:30 Screening of Land of Exile (Nicholas MacDonald, 1965, 20’)
• 4:50 Q&A

• 5:05 break

• 5:20 Panel 2: The Politics of Refugee Film, 1939-2001
• 5:20 Introduction to Refuge (Sebastiaan Faber)
• 5:30 Screening of Refuge (J.P. LeChanois, 1939, 30’)
• 6:00 The Visual Politics of Refuge—Gina Herrmann
• 6:20 Vision, Politics, and Displacement, 70 Years Hence: Los niños de Rusia (Jaime Camino, 2001)—Geoff Pingree
• 6:45 Q&A

• 7:00 break

• 7:30 Panel 3: Displaced Archives, Images without a Biography:The “Mexican Suitcase” and the Recuperation of Visual Memory
• 7:30 Introduction (Sebastiaan Faber)
• 7:35 The Lost Suitcase: France, Spain, Mexico: Exploring Memory, Myth, Diaspora and Return on Film—Trisha Ziff
• 7:55 Capa in the French Camps—Cynthia Young
• 8:15 Q&A

• 8:30 Reception

Sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, the King Juan Carlos Center, and the Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain's Ministry of Culture and US’ Universities.

53 Washington Square South
NY-NY 10012
t 212 998 3650 | f 212 995 4804