Victor Suarez, an Asturian-American film student at Columbia University in NYC, will soon be screening his film Nel Reinu (The Kingdom) in festivals. The scenes are typically Asturian and there appear to be references to the Spanish Civil War. An added plus is that it was shot in Asturian, with English subtitles. Here's the link on YouTube:
Victor Suarez, estudiante asturamericanu de cine na Universida de Columbia (Nueva York), vei amosar sou film Nel Reinu [The Kingdom, n'ingles] en festivales bien ceu. No trailer vense escenas tipicas d'Asturias con horrios ya paisaxes ya faise dalguna referencia a la Guerra Civil. Outru motivo pa dir ver la peli ia que ta rodao dafeitu n'asturianu, conos subtitulos n'ingles. Mirai el trailer no YouTube:
Nel Reinu (film by Victor Suarez)
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