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bregar – to fight/strive for – luchar

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:52 am
by is
bregar: pronounced bray-GAHR. To fight or strive for something. To exert oneself vigorously in a task. To make strenuous efforts toward a goal. To contend with many odds in a battle or conflict. To fight it out with someone or something.

Literally, bregar means to knead bread dough or flatten it out with a rolling pin (or a machine known as a bregadera) so that the gluten gains strength. This gives the loaf a cohesive texture, without the risk of falling apart during baking.

Synonyms: knead, toil, struggle, vie, endeavor, slave away, lumber through a process.

Usage examples:

Anantias de bregar, Tia Carmina punxo pizquinos de farina na masa. [Before kneading the dough, Aunt Carmina sprinkled it with flour.]

Nolo tuvo bregando meses enteros pa que lu dexaren trabayar nel astilleru. [Nolo worked for months so that they’d let him work at the shipyard.]

Na vida hai que bregar por dalgo. [You need to strive for something in life.]


Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:23 am
by Terechu
Este es el gran verbo desconocido para los que traducen "to work hard" como "trabajar duro". :lol:

Re: bregar – to fight/strive for – luchar

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:49 am
by tierradenadie
Is wrote:

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:35 am
by is
The picture of brain: should it be understood that there is someone interested in a head massage somewhere up there in Berodia? Or that the supreme command of the verb bregar is in the left hemisphere?


La semeya del celebru: hai que la entender cumo que hai un paisanu por Berodia que nagua por un masaxe de testa? Ou que el comandante en xefe pa cousas cumo el verbo bregar ta no hemisferio esquierdo?