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Dishes with "Pitu de Caleya"

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:14 am
by Maestro Tomberi
I just wondered if there in the US or anywhere outside Asturias people can manage to get this extremly fierce altough terribly delicious piece.

As many of you know, the "pitu de caleya" (which means "hen of road") is an autoctone kind of poultry, which uses to be quite larger than the average, with huge talons, raised in a practically wild environment; fact because which meat is quite darker and harder than the average domestic poultry.

Because of this last feature, this meat is very specific for casseroles and stews, since just roasting it would make it practically unedible due to it toughness.

Some of my most unforgettable dishes I have tasted witht his meat are "fabes con pitu de caleya" "patatas guisadas con pitu de caleya" and the all-time classic pitu de caleya stew "a la manera de la abuela.

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:44 am
by Art
I've only had pitu de caleya once, in a very nice restaurant in Oviedo. It was incredibly tasty, unlike anything I've eaten here in the US.

Is pitu de caleya a wild bird or is it a domesticated animal? Is it just a "free-range chicken"?


Sólo he comido pitu de caleya una vez, en un restaurante muy fino en Oviedo. Fue increíblemente sabroso, diferente a todo lo que he comido aquí en los EE.UU.

¿Es pitu de caleya un ave silvestre, o es un animal doméstico? ¿Es sólo una "pollo criado al aire libre"?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:05 am
by Maestro Tomberi
To tell the truth; Art, it's a free ranged animal. It has completely wild life with the sole exception of when it returns to the ditch to sleep.

However, you've got to notice this roosters have a wild temper, and quite often they might attempt to harm you if you get too close.


A decir verdad; Art, es un animal criado al aire libre. Lleva una vida completamente salvaje, con la única excepción de su retorno al gallinero a la hora de dormir.

Sin embargo, has de darte cuenta de que estos gallos tienen un carácter salvaje, y con bastante frecuencia podrían intentar hacerte daño si te acercas demasiado.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:19 pm
by Art
I don't think I've ever eaten a free range chicken here in the US. I have eaten wild pheasant, which is also very tasty. Being "free range" must make a huge difference in flavor!


No creo que jamás he comido un pollo criado al aire libre aquí en los EE.UU. He comido faisán silvestre, que también es muy sabroso. Ser del "aire libre" debe hacer una gran diferencia en el sabor!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:06 am
by Maestro Tomberi
I know from an accquaintance of mine from ND, there are many game species available like pronghorn, turkey (gallipavo, not the ones we have here), elks and pheasants; among others.

Truly a fascinating thing.


Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:16 am
by Anzu
Un restaurante especializau nesta triba de platos tradicionales, especialmente'l pitu caleya con certificau de cria llibre ye Tierrastur, de quien de xuru ya sintisteis falar. Tamien tienen otros productos tradicionales asturianos, comu carne de xata roxa, carne de corderu xaldu y una pergrande carta de quesos.

Tienen restaurantes en Xixon, Uvieu y Llanera, y camiento qu'abrieron otra n'Aviles.


A specialized restaurant in this kind of traditional dishes, especially pitu caleya with certificate of free range is Tierrastur, of which you surely know about. They also have other Asturian traditional products, like red veal meat, xaldu lamb meat and a hughe menu of cheeses.

They have restaurants in Xixon, Uvieu and LLanera, and I think they openend a new one in Aviles.