seca (la) – drought – sequía

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seca (la) – drought – sequía

Post by is »

seca, la: proncounced SEH-kah. A period of dry weather due to low rainfall that can be harmful to crops and water supply. An extended shortage of any commodity or thing, as in an acute dearth of ideas. Synonmys at aridity, dehydration, dessication, dry spell, rainlessness, parchedness.

Usage examples:

Hai una seca que aburia la yerba dafeitu. [The drought is totally burning the grass.]
Esta seronda ta la mazana ruina porque houbo seca. [This fall the apples on the trees are tiny because of the drought.]
Por mor de la seca, Nolo tuvo que llindiar el ganao dica la fonte monte p’arriba. [Because of the drought, Nolo had to drive the cattle up to the water spring further up the mountain.]

Folk wisdom:

La seca de mayu dura tol añu. [A drought in May can last all year]
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