Hola a t@s.
Gracias Is por la info.
Vivo n'Uviéu. Nací na Fuente la plata ya con un añu lleváromme pa Vallobin (Barriu d'equí). Equi sigo, casáu ya ensin guajes. Contémplenme 37 xineros. Cansé de tar na cresta los nueos tiempos comu rapaz que fuí y agora arranqué a dar clases de toná. Con 17 yá recuerdo la primera vegada que punxe una cinta nel coche ya sintí canciar a un tal Juanin de Mieres. Tar a la moda frenóme entamar a canciar porque tampoco vía alrodiu munchu miramientu por esti cantar. Arrepiéntome un poco, pero nun pasa ná que entovía teo tiempu per delantre.
Si me dicís como, un día cuélgovos ún canciu a ver cómo vos paez que suena...
Encantáu y Gracies d'antemano por tola información que xeneráis nesti foru que de xuru alllegra a los qu'equí tamos pero sobre too a los que tuvieron que colar.
Trans. Is & Anzu
I live in Uviéu (Oviedo) and was born in Fuente La Plata. When I was one we moved to Vallobin (a neighborhood here). And I am still living here now that I'm married and without kids. I have seen 37 Januaries go by. I got tired of riding all the latest fashions as a young man and have now decided to give classes of traditional Asturian song, a.k.a., toná. I remember being 17 and popping a cassette of traditional singing in the car to listen to someone called Juanin de Mieres. Being a slave to fashion prevented me from starting to sing because I didn't see others my age very interested in this kind of music. I feel a bit guilty about that now, but no big deal--I still have time.
I'd appreciate it if someone could show me how to post a soundtrack of one of my songs here in the forum so you can give me feedback. Nice to be here and thanks in advance for the information you divulge here. I'm sure it makes many people happy and those that have departed even more.
Salú (health)
Presentáme oh!
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