colletiar - verb - from collete (shirt collar) colletiar
a alguien - to grab s.o. by his shirt collar.
Gesto de amenaza, que puede preceder la agresión física.
Threatening gesture, short of assaulting s.o.
colletiar - to grab by shirt collar - colletiar
Moderators: Moderators, Asturian Vocabulary Posters
Thanks so much, Terechu, for helping with the Asturian word of the week!
Is (Paul) has asked for a break from doing the Asturian word of the week project. If anyone else would like to help with this, Terechu would like to share the work.
Muchas gracias, Terechu, para ayudar con la palabra asturiana de la semana!
Is (Paul) ha pedido una pausa de atender para la palabra asturiana del de la semana. Si alguien quiere ayudar con esto, Terechu gustaría compartir el trabajo.
Is (Paul) has asked for a break from doing the Asturian word of the week project. If anyone else would like to help with this, Terechu would like to share the work.
Muchas gracias, Terechu, para ayudar con la palabra asturiana de la semana!
Is (Paul) ha pedido una pausa de atender para la palabra asturiana del de la semana. Si alguien quiere ayudar con esto, Terechu gustaría compartir el trabajo.