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Bob Reep (Blanco) Cancer

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:15 am
by wpn1bjc
YOU CAN SAVE A LIFE…Bob Reep's life.

Bob has Multiple Myeloma. It is a CANCER of the plasma cells in bone marrow. Bob needs a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, of the millions of people registered through the national marrow database ( ) we do not have a bone marrow donor for Bob. A marrow transplant can be a life saving treatment for Bob.

Race and ethnicity matters: Because the markers used in matching are inherited, patients are more likely to match someone from their own race or heritage. Bob's Spanish heritage (Asturian-American) is diverse enough and currently prevents him from having a database match. We ask you to consider joining the Be the Match Registry. Your heritage could make all the difference and you could be a match for Bob or someone else in need of a transplant.

The initial test is a Q-tip swab of your cheek. Once you complete the registration form online (, a testing kit will be mailed to you. If you are a possible match, additional testing is your decision. The actual marrow donation is a non-surgical, out-patient procedure. There is no cost to you--any medical expenses are covered by Bob's insurance.

Take the first step. Join the marrow registry. It's not every day you can sacrifice a small piece of yourself to help someone live.

Bob Reep (Blanco) Cancer

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:00 am
by Judy
Bob is my nephew. His four maternal great-grandparents were all from

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:31 pm
by Terechu
Judy, why don't your nephew's doctors get in touch with the Spanish National Transplant Service? They are tops in Europe, very efficient and run like clockwork. If anybody can find matching bone marrow it will be them, I am sure.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:13 pm
by Judy
Terechu, thank for the information. I have relayed this information to my nephew's family.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:22 pm
by Terechu
OK. They are called Organización Nacional de Trasplantes

they depend on the Spanish Ministry of Health and have teams of experts in touch with other teams all over the world. They are - by the way - the World's no. 1.

Also, it occurs to me that you may want to check with the Fundación José Carreras. He started this foundation when he had leucemia many years ago, and they are also a fantastic service.

Good luck!