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Barbara Alonso Novellino

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:49 am
by Barbara Alonso Novellino

I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Barbara Alonso Novellino my Father and my Mother's parents came from Asturias. My Father's name was Julio Garcia Alonso son of Dionisa and Jose Garcia. My Father was born in Spain and came to the USA in 1906. My Grandfather came to work the Zinc Mine in Clarksburg, West Virginia He lived there until he returned, with my Grandmother to Spain. My Father and his siblings stayed here in the USA. My Father left West Virginia in the late 20's...he attended Bliss Electric School and then later became employed with Consolidated Edison. He met my Mother in Moundsville and they were married in 1934 and moved to New York.

My Mother's name is Angelina Montes Alonso daughter of Adelino and Adelina Montes. She was born in Clarksburg, West Virginia...My Grandfather worked the Zinc Mine in Clarksburg and then Moundsville, West Virginia. in Moundsville they lived in the housing provided by the Zinc Mine. They lived there until my Grandfather died in 1942.