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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:27 pm
by Bob
My father remembers his mother saying "falar" to his father (1894-1983)--and making clicking noises--whenever he snored. It supposedly stopped the snoring. Does anyone else have such memories, or memories of other folk practices around snoring, sneezing, etc?
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:59 am
by Carlos
In the whole Spain it's very frequent, when someone sneezes, to say Jesus! Or ¡Salud! (health!). Slightly peculiar from Asturias it's to say ¡Santinos! (literally, "Little saints"), abbreviation of another longer phrase: ¡Santinos, grandes y piquiñinos! (in large sense "All the Saints, the bigger and the little ones!")
It of clicking the tongue to interrupt the snores is something very current in Asturias. I never do snoring, but in any occasion in which I did it, my ex-wife was in the habit of producing this type of noises. It was not so serious as to be divorced, caramba!