Does this site support the Netscape 4.x browsers?

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Does this site support the Netscape 4.x browsers?

Post by Suronda »

I've tried viewing this site on several different computers with the Netscape 4 browser, and I can't get the site to look beautiful when using Netscape 4. Why is this?
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Netscape 4.xx not supported by this and many other Web sites

Post by Art »

That's an excellent question. And, luckily there is an easy solution.

The beta version of the Netscape 4 browser came out in November of 1996, which is eons ago in Internet time. Although Netscape 4 was a great step forward in its day, a lot has changed in browsers and the Web coding standards since that time. Many Webmasters, including me, have chosen to stop supporting Netscape 4.x browsers.

If you are still using one of the Netscape 4.x browsers, you will not see this site in all its glory. In fact, you will not see many, many contemporary sites they way they were intended to be seen. It is highly recommended that you update your browser today!

Upgrades are available for most computers. If you want to stick with Netscape, you'll find a free download here:

Downloading and installation is easy, but if you're not careful, Netscape will take over, put itself in as the default for everything.
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