Hello Everyone,
In reviewing the World War I draft registration card index on Ancestry.com, I found quite a number of Spanish names for West Virginia. Harrison County had the most with just one or two listed for the counties of Kanawha and Raleigh during the time period of 1917-1918. I believe that I found three of my uncles listed there in the WW I index and will not be sure until I check out the card since many had the same names.
I read or heard somwhere that foreign nationals living and working in the US were required to register for the draft during both wars. That may account for why so many Spanish Asturians appear in the indexes. My father claims that he had to register for the WW II draft, and actually received a pre-induction physical; however, I can not find a card record for him
The most prevalent names were Fernandez, Gonzalez, Alvarez, Garcia, Martinez, Suarez, Menendez, Rodriguez, and there are other apellitos, (family names), listed; although, I have not looked beyond those shown there and at other states.
I have not seen the WW II card index. What can one learn from these cards? I have the World War II registration card for my maternal Slovakian grandfather and found that he had a cross tatoo on the back of his hand and his mother's maiden name, whcih is my great grandmother. He was listed under his Slovakian name and not his Americanized version. I am not sure what is on the WW I cards as I have not seen one yet.
This may be a source for some genealogy information; however, it does not indicate if the family member or relative actually served in the military. One would have to look at the military records for that service.
Lastly, some public libraries have Ancestry.com and one would have to have access in order to view or copy the information on the cards. It would be nice to have a military service list with photographs showing the Asturian service and contributions to this country.
Draft Registration Cards
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