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Archives of Seville, just a thought.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:39 pm
by Manuell Alvarez
Hola Amigos,

Many have searched through the Archives of the Indies located at Seville for sunken galleons loaded with gold and silver. For me, the greatest treasures are those there that record the history of the Asturian people who may have traveled to the new world between the 16th and 19th centuries.

It is a shame that I am the poor son of a poor horse trainer and one who does not write, speak, or read Spanish, for I would probably spend every waking and free moment there doing research. My father knew about my love of history and during those times when my siblings wanted to watch something on TV, I would appeal to Dad by saying that what I wanted to watch was history and that pursuaded him to my side of the argument.

It is there in those archives that I believe that the history and legagy of the Spanish peoples are recorded, and who knows that we might have had some distant Asturian relative who sailed from the Port of Gijon long before the 1900's.


Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:16 pm
by oranien
Manny, tal vez te resulten interesantes los siguientes enlaces:

Portal de Archivos Españoles, del Ministerio de Cultura:

si pinchas a la derecha de la pantalla encontrarás movimientos migratorios iberoamericanos: ... esentacion

espero que te sean utiles

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:34 am
by Manuell Alvarez

Estoy siempre en dueda por el envio de estos sitios importantes. Le agradezco su amabilidad y muchas gracias.

Me disculpo por no poder hablar, escribir y leer el lenguaje de mis padre y abuelos. Tengo que usar un progama de traduccion al Espanol de las comunicaciones, lo siento mucho por cualquier retraso en la devolucion de sus comunicaciones.

Estos sitos se me proporcione los medios para localizar a mis primos en Espana. Lo mas importante, ayudara a ostos a encontrar su familia tambien.

Dandole mil gracias anticipadas por su favor, me repito de Ud., Tu amigo,

Manny o Manolito