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Alántrase la campaña sidrera/This cider season anticipates

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:27 am
by Anzu
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Alántrase la campaña sidrera d'esti añu

Son munchos los llagares que yá tan entamando a mayar nestes feches, pesia’l munchu calor y obligaos pola pronta mauración de la mazana.

Concretamente variedaes comu la Solarina, Ernestina y de La Riega atópense nun estáu de mauración afayaizu, y otres comu la Xuanina o la de Raxao tamién tan mui alantraes por mor de les condiciones climatolóxiques d’esti añu y sobro too poles ellevaes temperatures rexistraes nestes postreres selmanes de setiembre.

Ello asina, el Conseyu Regulaor de la D.O. yá abrió la campaña’l 19 setiembre col enfotu d’aprofitar la más posible la produición de les pumaraes acoyíes a esta marca de calidá, y espérase que vaigan aumentando’l númeru de variedaes de mazana reconocíes, al oxetu d’escoyeles más serondiegues pa poder facer frente al cambiu climáticu.


This year's cider season anticipates

There are lots of cider presses that are already begginning to smash apple this time, despite the very hot weather, fored by the soon maturinfg of the apple.

Specifically apple varieties like "Solarina", "Ernestina" and "La Riega" are right now in a good state of maturation, others like "Xuanina" or "Raxao" are also well advanced due to this year's weather conditions , and specially to the high temperatures of the last weeksof September.

So the Regulatory Board of the D.O. already opened the season on the 19th of September with the aim of get the most form the apple orchards production qualifying in this quality label, and it is hoped the number of recognized apple varieties to increase, in order to choose some of the most proper of autumn to face the climate change.Image