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Sidres de Gala / Gala Ciders / Sidras de Gala

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:28 am
by Anzu
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I Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala

LA SIDRA entama'l I Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala.

LA SIDRA, en collaboración cola Fundación Asturies XXI y'l sofitu del Ayuntamientu de Xixón, de la Fundación Municipal de Cultura y Esportes y de la Conseyería d'Agroalimentación del "Principado" d'Asturies entama la cellebración del que sedrá'l I Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala

Trátase d'un alcuentru de sidres non escanciables d'alta calidá, nel qu'estremaes variedaes sidreres y derivaos de la sidre, tantu asturiana comu d'otros países, van ser presentaes de mena profesional nun marcu distinguíu: L'Hotel Villa de Gijón.

La sidre brut, l'axampanada, los aguardientes de sidra y la sidre de xelu van tener cabida dientru d'esti Salón. Anque la cellebración centrase na sidre non escanciable, a la entrada va ufiertase a los asistentes unos culinos de sidre, a manera de recibimientu y en señal del nuesu respetu pola sidre tradicional.

Fasta'l momentu ta confirmao la presencia de sidre asturiano, aleman, galés y normando nel eventu.

L'actividá central va consistir nuna Xornada Técnica, na que se va cellebrar una cena gourmet compuesta por dellos platos. Con ca platu propondráse'l maridaxe con dos sidres, presentaes polos mesmos llagareros. Paralelamente a estes 20 marques ufiertaes na cena, el restu sidres van ufiertase, a mena degustación, en meses dimpuestes con esi envís.

Amás, a lo llargo de la xornada proxectaráse'l documental “Procesual” sobre la sidre, comentáu polos sos autores, y van realizase cates guiaes de la sidre participante.

Ta confirmao la presencia nel eventu de representantes istitucionales, profesionales del mundiu la hostelería, distribuidores, gastrónomos y prensa especializao –amás, llóxicamente, de los mesmos llagareros- procurándose que tea la mayor repercusión posible, tanto a nivel mediáticu comu nel arrodiu la hostelería.

Comu pue vese, el que se propón ye un Salón notablemente distintu de tolos certames desendolcaos n'Asturies al rodiu de la sidre -pero abondo asemeyáu a los que se cellebren nel entorniu sidreru européu- nel que se trata de defender la sidre como bebora de gala frente al avance de bébores comu'l cava y el vinu español en brindes y cellebraciones.

Col enfotu de destacar el consumu d'estes bébores cara a les fiestes navidiegues, el I Salón Internacional de les Sidres de Gala cellebrase a finales d'ochobre (en concretu, el díi 28).

La presentación oficial del mesmu, a la que va acudir el conceyal de cultura y el presidente de la Fundación Municipal de Cultura, va tener llugar na sala de prensa del Ayuntamientu de Xixón el llunes previu.

La participación nesta Xornada Técnica tendrá un costu de 40 € y sedrá necesariamente llimitada siguiéndose un rigurosu orde d'iscripción fasta cumplimentar l'aforu.

Pa participar pue contautase per e-mail: info@lasidra .as o nel teléfonu: 652 594 983


I International Exhibition of Gala Ciders

LA SIDRA organizes the I International Exhibition of Gala Ciders.

LA SIDRA, in colaboration with the Asturies XXI Foundation and the support of the Xixón's City Hall, the Municipal Foundation of Culture and Sports and the Agroalimentary Counseling Department of the "Principality" of Asturies organizes the celebration of what is going to be the I International Exhibition of Gala Ciders.

It is a meeting of the hight quality non-pourable ciders, in where different cider varieties and cider derivatives, both Asturian and from other countries, are going to be presented in a professional way in a very distinguished frame: The Villa de Gijón Hotel.

The brut cider, the champagned one, the cider liquors and the ice cider will have their place in this Exhibition. Although the celebration focuses on non-pourable cider, at the entrance there will be cider glasses available for the attendees, as a way of welcoming them and as a sign of our respect for the traditional cider.

Until now there is confirmed the presence of Asturian cider, German, Welsh and Norman in the vent.

The main activity will consist on a Technical Day, in which there will be a gourmet dinner composed by various dishes. With each dish two cider marinades will be proposed, presented by the cidermakers themselves. Apart of these 20 cider labels offered during the dinner, the rest of ciders will be offered, as a tasting, in tables prepared for that purpose.

Moreover, during the day will be screened the "Processual" documentary about the cider, commented by its authors, and there will be guided tastings of the participating cider.

Is confirmed the presence in the event of institutional representatives, professionals of the catering world, distributors, gastronomes and specialized press -apart logically of the proper cidermakers- so as to try it has the biggest impact possible, both at mediatic level and the catering environment.

As it can be noticed, the proposed one is an Exhibition markedly different to all others developed in Asturies around the cider world -but quite similar to the ones celebrated in the European cider environment- in which the issue is to defend the cider as a gala beverage in front of the expansion of beverages like the cava and the Spanish wine in toasts and celebrations.

With the aim of highlighting the consumption of these beverages ahead of Christmas, the I International Ehibition of Gala Ciders will be held in late October (specifically on 28th).

Its official presentation, to which tha culture councilman and the president of the Municipal Foundation of Culture will attend to, is going to be at the newsroom of the Xixón City Hall the previous Monday.

The participation in this Technical Day will cost 40 € and it will be necessarily limited following a strict order of registration until the fill of the capacity.

To participate you can contact us by e-mail: info@lasidra .as or calling: 652 594 983