Boroña asturiana

Recipes for loaf breads & rolls.<br>
Recetas para barras, pan de molde, y bollos.

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Boroña asturiana

Post by Bob »

Boroña asturiana

For the dough:

Put about one pound of corn flour on a clean table and make a volcano shaped hole in the middle. Add a little under 13 ounces of water with a pinch of salt. Knead until the dough is a thick mass that does not stick to your hands. Put it in a bowl covered with a damp cloth. Let it rest.

For the filling:

Cut chorizo, panceta (uncured bacon), morcilla (blood sausage - the the kind with onions, not rice) the jamón into medium sized pieces. Put aside.

In a mold (a can or a largish mold of any sort will do). Cover the entire mold with dough and make a hole in the middle. Put in the filling. Cover the mold with dough.

Bake at 180 Celsius (350 Fahrenheit) until done. After about an hour and a half, stick a knife into the center. If it come out clean the boroña is done. The exact time depends on your oven.

Remove the top as if it were a lid and enjoy. The dry part is good with a glass of milk.
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Indalecio Fernandez
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Post by Indalecio Fernandez »

Hola, Bob. Te sugiero añadirle "levadura", quizá se te haya olvidado.
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Maestro Tomberi
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Post by Maestro Tomberi »

A lo mejor es una boroña ázima (lol).
Es broma, pero Indalecio tiene razón...
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