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Concursu Fotografía
El plazu pa participar nel VI Concursu Semeyes LA SIDRA fina dientru una selmana.
Conforme a les bases de la convocatoria del VI Concursu Semeyes LA SIDRA, el plazu pa poder participar fina'l prósmu 1 de payares, colo que ta dándose un perimportante xorrecimientu del númberu participantes, siendo'l casu que munchos fotógrafos yá presentaren dalguna semeya, completen la so obra fasta aportar a les 5 semeyes permitíes comu másimu.
Comu vien siendo avezao dende la primer convocatoria, son munches les participaciones que recibiemos de fuera d'Asturies, destacando Inglaterra, País Vascu y esti añu Colombia, asina comu de países nos que fasta agora nun teníemos denguna participación (Australia) y ye que paez que pesia ser condición obligada'l presentase al actu d'entrega premios, hai munchos fotógrafos que consideren el premiu comu una oportunidá única de conocer el nuesu país y la cultura asturiana de la sidre. Hai de remembrar qu'esti concursu entámalu LA SIDRA y cunta col sofitu de Sidra J.R.
Photography Contest
The deadline to participate in the VI LA SIDRA Photography Contest will be in a week time.
According to the rules of the LA SIDRA's VI Photography Contest. the deadline to be able to participate is on next 1st of November, so there is a hughe increase of the number of participants, since many photographers have already presented some picture and they are about to finish their work until getting the five maximun allowed pictures presented.
As usually since the first edition, there are many participants from outside Asturies, highlighting England, Basque Country and this year Colombia, as well as from countries from whom we did not have any participant yet (Australia). It seems that despite being the presence in the awards a compulsory request, there are many photographers who consider this prize as a unique chance to know our country and the Asturian cider culture.
Apart of it, highlight that the point 17th of the basis has been modified, in the way that it provides a guarantee for the participants that LA SIDRA will not make an abusive use of their work and will never have any kind of profit through them.
We remind that this contest is organized by LA SIDRA and has the sponsorship of Sidra J.R,
Concursu Fotografía/Photography Contest
Happenings of interest to forum participants.<br>
Sucesos de interés a foreros.
Sucesos de interés a foreros.
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