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Récord d'himnu y sidre
Gascona protagonizó'l récord d'himnu y sidre al xuntar a milenta estudiantes "Erasmus" de más de 50 nacionalidaes canciando l'himnu d'Asturies na más internacional de les espiches.
L’Asturies Patria Quería, canciada al altu la lleva por milenta universitarios ”Erasmus” batió’l récord “Guiness” del mayor númberu presones d’estremaes nacionalidaes que cancien xuntes l’hinu nacional asturianu, y fixéronlo na mui sidrera y carbayona Cai Gascona previamente a la tamién más internacional de les espiches cellebraes.
L’actu enártase nel alcuentru estatal d’estudiantes entamáu pol, ESN (Erasmus Studen Network), y nelli alcontrábase’l conceyal de Turismu uvieín José Ramón Pando, xunta’l presidente de los hosteleros de Gascona, Paco Colunga, y el notariu que dio fedel ésitu de la convocatoria.
Record of anthem and cider
Gascona organized a record of anthem and cider while putting together a thousand "Erasmus" students from more than 50 countries singing the Asturies anthem in the most international of the popular drinking meetings.
The "Asturies Patria Quería", sang loudly by the thousand "Erasmus" university students, broke the Guiness record of most people from different countries singing together the Asturian national anthem, and they did that in the very cidery from Uviéu Gascona Street. After that there was the most international of the popular drinking meetings.
The vent is inside the statal students meeting organized by the ESN (Erasmus Studen Network), and there was also the councilman of tourism of Uviéu José Ramón Pando, with the president of the Gascona's hostelry president Paco Colunga, and the notary who attested the success of the event.
Record d'himnu y sidre/Record of anthem and cider
Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Moderators: almudena, Moderators
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