Fubol asturianu/Asturian soccer
Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:24 am
Noticia garra de: www.lasidra.as
N'asturianu/ In Asturian: http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... :actualida
N'ingles/ In English: http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=71
Grupu Trabanco col Rial Uviéu
El presidente del Rial Uviéu y el xerente de Grupu Trabanco vienen de firmar un alcuerdu pol que’l llagar asturianu suscribirá aiciones del clú pa contribuyir a la so ampliación de capital.
Toni Fidalgo, presidente del Rial Uviéu y Samuel M. Trabanco, xerente del Grupu Trabanco, vienen de firmar un alcuerdu pol que’l llagar de Xixón suscribirá aiciones del Rial Uviéu, un xestu col que s’amiesta a la campaña social de sofitu al clú p’afrontar la so ampliación de capital.
Cola so entrada nel aicionariáu del Rial Uviéu, Grupu Trabanco espera da-y puxu a la captación de fondos pa completar l’ampliación de capital del clú. Y, per otru llau, perafita’l so apueste pol fúbol asturianu, al repetir el mesmu xestu que nel so intre tuvo col Rial Sporting de Xixón, clú del que se fexo aicionista de la que foi preciso ampliar el so capital.
Trabanco Group with the Rial Uviéu
The president of the Rial Uviéu (Royal Uviéu) and the manager of the Trabanco Group have just signed an agreement for which the Asturian cider press will subscribe actions of the club to contribute with its capital expansion.
Toni Fidalgo, president of the Rial Uviéu and Samuel M. Trabanco, manager of Trabanco Group, have signed an agreement for which the xider press from Xixón will subscribe actions of the Rial Uviéu, in a gesture according to the social pampaign of the club for finding resources to face their capital expansion..
With its entrance in the shareholders of the Rial Uviéu, Trabanco Group hopes to enforce the fundraising to complete the capital expansion of the club. On the other hand, they highlight thus their bet for the Asturian football by repeating the gesture they had with the Rial Sporting of Xixón, a club of which they are shareholders of when there was the need of capital expansion.
N'asturianu/ In Asturian: http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... :actualida
N'ingles/ In English: http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=71
Grupu Trabanco col Rial Uviéu
El presidente del Rial Uviéu y el xerente de Grupu Trabanco vienen de firmar un alcuerdu pol que’l llagar asturianu suscribirá aiciones del clú pa contribuyir a la so ampliación de capital.
Toni Fidalgo, presidente del Rial Uviéu y Samuel M. Trabanco, xerente del Grupu Trabanco, vienen de firmar un alcuerdu pol que’l llagar de Xixón suscribirá aiciones del Rial Uviéu, un xestu col que s’amiesta a la campaña social de sofitu al clú p’afrontar la so ampliación de capital.
Cola so entrada nel aicionariáu del Rial Uviéu, Grupu Trabanco espera da-y puxu a la captación de fondos pa completar l’ampliación de capital del clú. Y, per otru llau, perafita’l so apueste pol fúbol asturianu, al repetir el mesmu xestu que nel so intre tuvo col Rial Sporting de Xixón, clú del que se fexo aicionista de la que foi preciso ampliar el so capital.
Trabanco Group with the Rial Uviéu
The president of the Rial Uviéu (Royal Uviéu) and the manager of the Trabanco Group have just signed an agreement for which the Asturian cider press will subscribe actions of the club to contribute with its capital expansion.
Toni Fidalgo, president of the Rial Uviéu and Samuel M. Trabanco, manager of Trabanco Group, have signed an agreement for which the xider press from Xixón will subscribe actions of the Rial Uviéu, in a gesture according to the social pampaign of the club for finding resources to face their capital expansion..
With its entrance in the shareholders of the Rial Uviéu, Trabanco Group hopes to enforce the fundraising to complete the capital expansion of the club. On the other hand, they highlight thus their bet for the Asturian football by repeating the gesture they had with the Rial Sporting of Xixón, a club of which they are shareholders of when there was the need of capital expansion.