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Rempuesta policial / Police response, Popular response

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:47 pm
by Anzu
Noticia garra de / New picked from:

N'Asturianu / In Asturian: ... KkuaoeZSSo

"Rempuesta policial, rempuesta popular"

CSI asoleyó un primer comunicáu de valoración de la fuelga xeneral del miércoles 14 de Payares, nel que se comprometen a "a siguir engarrando, movilizando y lluchando pa faer poder obreru ellí onde gobierne’l capitalismu y la so inxusticia".
La Corriente Sindical d'Izquierda espublizó un comunicáu de valoración xeneral sobre la fuelga xeneral del 14 de Payares, nel que ponen especial enfotu alrodiu de los cuatro deteníos durante les movilizaciones d'ayeri, y la rempuesta popular amosada hasta la lliberación de los compañeros. Miles de persones cortaron les cais frente a les dependencies policiales hasta que los cuatro deteníos nes protestes desendolcaes en Xixón foron lliberaos. El "Sindicato Unitario de Catalunya" yá apurrió a la CSI la so solidaridá. Darréu ufrimos el comunicáu completu:
"Deteníes, feríes, colos güesos rotos, ensangrentaes, dempués de tolos fechos asocedíos nesti día, queremos espresar el nuesu mayor arguyu de pertenecer, más allá de cualquier sigla, a la clase obrera asturiana.
Al respective de la manifestación del 14-N, va unos díes, la CSI publicó un comunicáu onde se dicía que “vamos faer tou lo posible por que la unión de toos el trabayadores y trabayadores (sían del sindicatu que sían) calténgase y deámos-yos una llección a quien pretenden desuninos”.
La respuesta firme, contundente y ensin pasos p’atrás, a la hora de lliberar a los compañeros deteníos por defender el pan de toes, resultó imparable y demostrónos, otra vegada más, que la clase obrera, si permanez xunida, puede consiguir tou aquello que se proponga.
Hai que retrayese a los tiempos de Franco pa recordar les sedes sindicales invadíes poles fuerces represores. Intentarolo, güei, na nuesa Casa Sindical. Tenemos que dicir, que, a pesar de toles sos armes, a pesar de ls herids, fueron incapaces de cruciar la puerta del nuesu sindicatu. ¡Bravo por ls resistentes!. Con toa seguridá, güei, en toa Europa, la resistencia xunía a tola clase obrera.
Pa refugalos movíanos una razón: si cruciaben esa puerta, podríen cruciar la puerta de nueses mesmes cases, de les cases del obreres, de les cases del pueblu. Podríen cruciar les llínees coloraes que, cueste lo que cueste, enxamás-yos dexaremos cruciar.
Asturies paralizada pola fuelga xeneral, unes 25.000 persones na manifestación de la esquierda sindical de Asturies (CSI, CGT, CNT y SUATEA), otres 5.000, invadiendo les cais y arrodiando la comisaría de policía onde taben deteníos los nuesos compañeros, namá demuestren una cosa: ¡SÍ SE PUEDE!. Namás fai falta utilizar nueses meyores armes: ¡SOLIDARIDÁ Y LLUCHA OBRERA!.
Dende Asturies, la CSI comprometer a siguir engarrando, movilizando y lluchando pa faer poder obreru ellí onde gobierne’l capitalismu y la so inxusticia.
Yá teníamos la fuerza de la razón, pero, a partir de güei, vamos empezar a tener la razón de la fuerza.


"Police response, popular respose"

CSI (Left Winged Union Association), published a first notice assessing the general strike of the Wedesday 14th of November, in which they have the compromise to "keep fighting, mobilizing, and struggling for making the working power visible there where the capitalism and the injustice reigns".

The CSI published a release about general valuation of the 14th of November Strike, in which they highlight the four people arrested during the mobilizations and the popular response showed for the liberation of their peers.

Thousands of people made street cuts in front of the police stations until the four ones arrested in the demonstrations in Xixón were released, The whole release is which follows:

"Arrests, wounds, broken bones, bloodbaths, after all the facts occurred today, we want to express our highest proud of belonging, beyond any initials, to the Asturian working class.
Regarding the 14-N demonstration, some days ago the CSI published that they were going to "make the possible for the unity of all the workers, independently of in which union they are, and to stay and teach a lesson to anyone who wants to broke that unity".

The strong response, overwhelming and without steps back while releasing the arrested people for defending everybody's bread, was unstoppable and showed us once again that the working class, if keeps united, can do anything it wants.

We should go back to the times of Franco to remember the union headquarters invaded by the represive forces. They gave it a try today, in our headquarters. We have to say that despite their many weapons, despite the wounds, they were unable to trespass the door. Hooray for the resistant ones! Surely today in the whole Europe, the resistance united the whole working class.

To pull them back we had a reason: if they were to cross that door, they may be able to cross our homes as well, the working class' homes, the people's houses. They were going to go through the red lines that no matter what the cost, we won't let them cross.
Asturies was stopped in the general strike, some 25.000 people in the left wing demonstration (CSI, CGT, CNT y SUATEA), other 5.000, invading the streets and the police stations where our peers were arrested, do only explain one thing: YES WE CAN! We just have to use our best arms: SOLIDARITY AND WORKING FIGHT!. From Asturies, the CSI swears to keep fighting, mobilizing and struggling to make the working power visible there where the capitalism and injustice reigns.

We already had the force of the reason but since today we also will have the reason of the force.