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Protestes estudiantiles / Student protests

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:37 pm
by Anzu
Noticia garra de / New picked from:

N'asturianu / In Asturian: ... 1%B8%B7ena

Denuncien episodios represivos poles protestes estudiantiles en Ḷḷena

La fuelga y movilización nel IES Benedicto Nieto de Ḷḷena ta sufriendo una rempuesta represiva de parte de les fuercies policiales, según denuncien dende'l conceyu.

El pasáu xueves 15 de Payares l'Institutu d'Educación Secundaria Benedicto Nieto de Ḷḷena entamó una fuelga, asina como diverses movilizaciones, en protesta pola falta de calefacción nel centru, y desixendo una igua a esa situación que supón un perxuiciu pa los y les estudiantes. Según pudo saber InfoAsturies, el xueves 15 a un alumnu requisáron-y la tarxeta de la cámara de videu, por grabar les protestes desendolcaes nel centru y los sos alredores.
Amás d'ello, tamién se denuncien amenaces de la Guardia Civil con multes de 500 euros a toes aquelles persones que sigan realizando movilizaciones frente al centru educativu. La direición del IES, pel so lláu, amosa una actitú cómpliz dafechu coles fuercies represives qu'amenacen a quien protesta, y ye que según paez el centru nun informó a los pás y más d'estos episodios, a lo qu`hai qu'amestar l'amenaza con "pegá-y una ostia" a un alumnu por poner un candáu na puerta.
Los y les vecines de Ḷḷena manifiesten tar esmolecíes por estos episodios represivos, que deriven del ambiente combativu que se vive nel conceyu. Como preba d'ello, l'aniciativa "Arrodia l'INEM" desendolcada durante la fuelga xeneral nel conceyu Ḷḷenizu cuntó col seguimientu d'alrodiu'l mediu centenar de persones, que llegaron a cortar el tráficu na llocalidá.

Denouncing the represive episodes for the student protests in Ḷḷena

The strike and mobilization in the Secondary School Benedicto Nieto de Ḷḷena has been suffered a represive response by the police forces, according to the denounces from that council.

On last Thursday 15th of November, the SS (Secondary School) Benedicto Nieto de Ḷḷena began the strike, as well as some mobilizations as a protest against the lack of heating in the centre, and demanding a solution for this situation that means a harm for the students. As Infoasturies could know, on Thursday 15th a memory card of a camera was taken from a student, who was recording the portests in the facility and the surrounding area.

Moreover, there were also denounces of menaces by the Civil Guard with fines of 500 € to any people who continue to take part in demonstrations in front of the educative center. The direction of the SS by their side showed a very complicit approach to the represive forces that menace who protest, since it seems that from the center they did not notice the parents about this facts, apart o the menace of "a f****** beat" for a student who was closing the door with a padlock.

The neighbors from Ḷ.ḷena are concerned about this represive episodes, that show the combative environment in the council. As a proof, the initiative "Surround the INEM" developed during the general strike in that council of L.lena had the following of a half hundred people, who get to cut the traffic in the locality.