Sobornu nos sidnicatos / Bribes in the unions

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Sobornu nos sidnicatos / Bribes in the unions

Post by Anzu »

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N'asturianu / In Asturian: ... KkuN4eZSSo

Maltar ente afiliaos del SOMA pol regalu de relós a un grupu de mineros

Un grupu d'afiliaos y trabayadores venceyaos al SOMA-FITAG-UGT amosaron a la direición del sindicatu'l so maltar pol regalu de relós a un grupu de mineros participantes nes protestes derivaes de la fuelga minera.

Un númberu importante d'afiliaos y trabayadores del seutor mineru venceyaos al sindicatu SOMA-FITAG-UGT ficieron llegar a la direición del mesmu el so maltar pol regalu de relós a mineros participantes en dalgunes aiciones de la fuelga minera como la Marcha Prieta o los enzarros en distintos pozos. Según desplicó esti grupu críticu, el sindicatu gastó alrodiu de 20.000 euros na compra d'unos regalos que consideren"innecesarios ya discriminatorios", debío a que dexen de lláu a quien participó n'otres aiciones, como por exemplu les barricaes.
Según los dirixentes del sindicatu, nun atalanten la esistencia d'esi maltar, y consideren los regalos una caxigalina, anque nun se pronuncien sobre unes acusaciones de discriminación que paecen bastante reales, debío a que premien sólo a un grupu de trabayadores participantes n'actividaes concretes, escaeciendo o despreciando'l trabayu de movilización n'otres estayes del coleutivu mineru asturianu.


Discomfort between affiliates to the SOMA for the present of watched to a group of miners

A group of affiliates and workers linked to the SOMA-FITAG-UGT showed to the direction of the union their discomfort for the giving as a present watches to a group of miners participating in the protests derived fro the miner strike.

An important number of affiliates and workers of the miner field linked to the union SOMA-FITAG-UGT make clear to its direction their discomfort for the giving of watches as presents to miners participating is some actions of the miner strike like the Black March or the ones locked in the mine shafts. According to this critical group, the union spent around 20.000 € buying presents they cosider to be "unnecessary and discriminatory", since it shelves people who participated in other actions, like the barricades.

According to the directors of the union, they do not understand the presence of that discomfort and consider that the present were just small gifts, even when they did not say a word about a denounces of discrimination that seem pretty real, since they reward just a group of workers participating in certain activities, forgetting or neglecting the work of the mobilization in other fields of the Asturian miner collective.
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