DIXEBRA - Separation - Separación
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:05 am
1- Action and effect of separate. Eg. Vei faer la dixebra las uveichas, nin. (I'm going to separate the sheeps, man).
2- Differentiate from something. Eg. Nun hai dixebra dala ente los drechos de los homes (There is no differences between the rights of the men.)
3- To make something independent of something else. Eg. Munchos asturianos naguen por una asturies llibre y dixebrá. (Many Asturians claim for a free and independent Asturies).
4- Limit between two fields or cultivation lands. Eg. Vamos facer la dixebra de les estayes (We're going to settle the boundaries of our lands).
1- Action and effect of separate. Eg. Vei faer la dixebra las uveichas, nin. (I'm going to separate the sheeps, man).
2- Differentiate from something. Eg. Nun hai dixebra dala ente los drechos de los homes (There is no differences between the rights of the men.)
3- To make something independent of something else. Eg. Munchos asturianos naguen por una asturies llibre y dixebrá. (Many Asturians claim for a free and independent Asturies).
4- Limit between two fields or cultivation lands. Eg. Vamos facer la dixebra de les estayes (We're going to settle the boundaries of our lands).