Llei de la sidre / Cider law

Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.

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Llei de la sidre / Cider law

Post by Anzu »

Noticia garrá de/ New picked from: www.lasidra.as

N'asturianu / In Asturian: http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... :actualida

N'inglés / In English: http://www.lasidra.as/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=71

¡Pretenden prohibir la sidre a los menores de 18 años!

El “Principado” sométese de nueu al mandatu de Madrid y anuncia una llei qu’homoxeniza la normativa de consumu d’alcol pa facela idéntica a la española, escaeciendo la especificidá de la sidre comu productu identitariu asturianu y la so baxa graduación.

Una vuelta más, el sucursalismu del gobiernu del “Principado” va a provocar daños socioculturales y económicos de primer orde a la sociedá asturiana al ceder a les presiones de Madrid, que cuantayá lleva desixendo la españolización de la llexislación asturiana en materia de consumu d’alcol, xubiendo la edá de consumu de los 16 a los 18 años, ensin tener en cuenta’l papel de la sidre comu bébora identitaria nin les repercusiones qu’ello va acarretar tantu pa la industria sidrera, comu pa la hostelería.

Precisamente, el calter tradicional del consumu de sidre ye una de les xides poles que na encuesta estatal “Edades 2011” los menores asturianos tienen un consumu más moderáu d’alcol que los españoles (pesia tar prohibío llegalmente) tantu en cuantes a consumu comu a les intosicaciones etíliques, por mor del baxu conteníu n’alcol de la sidre y pola mesma cultura asturiana de la sidre, que socializa’l so consumu, y evita los escesos.


They attempt to prohibit cider for those under 18 years old!

The “Principality” is subjected once again to the mandate of Madrid and announces a law to homogenize the alcohol consumption normative to make it exactly the same to the Spanish one, forgetting the specificity of the cider as Asturian identitary product and its low graduation.

Once again the sucursalism of the government of the "Principality" is going to cause serious sociocultural and economic damage to the Asturian society when bowing to the pressures from Madrid, who has been claiming for a long time for the Hispanization of the Asturian law regarding alcohol consumption, increasing the age of consumption from 16 to 18 years old, regardless of the cider role as identitary beverage nor the aftermath that it would bring both for the cider and the hostelry industry.

Precisely, the traditional feature of the cider consumption is one of the reasons why in the statal poll "Edades 2011", the Asturian young people tend to a more moderate alcohol consumption in comparation with the Spanish ones (even when it is definitely prohibited) both regarding use and alcoholic intoxication, due to the low alcoholic graduation of the cider and the proper Asturian cider culture, qhich socializes its consumption avoiding excesses.
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