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IV Primer Sidre l'Añu del 28 al 31 de marzu
Del 28 al 31 de marzu por namás 5 € podrá esfrutase de tola sidre que se quiera. Ye la IV Primer Sidre l‘Añu.
Del 28 al 31 de marzu cellebraráse nel Muséu del Pueblu d’Asturies de Xixón la cuarta edición de la Primer Sidre l’Añu, eventu añal col qu’entama la temporada sidrera de forma tradicional, con una espicha que dura cuatru díis.
Yá falta pocu –perpocu- pa qu’escomience la folixa sidrera que nagura l’añu, la que mos pon les piles en primavera y mos fai un completu adelantu de comu sedrá la sidre de la nuea collecha: La Primer Sidre l’Añu.
Nesta cuarta edición tamos arguyosos de tornar a ufrir, n’esclusiva, la oportunidá de prebar la primer sidre de la collecha 2012, proveniente de los toneles de los más de los llagares asturianos “industriales” n’activu.
Pero habrá eso y munchu más, tasties guiaes, demostraciones de tonelería, amuesa de tonada asturiana, campionatu nacional de sidre casero ellaborao en maera, bailles, xornaes dedicaes a sidre d’otros países, xornada de la sidre esplumosa…
Una carrapotá d’eventos que conformen cuatru díis d’espicha continua, na que por 5 € podemos prebar lo meyor de la sidre asturiano talo comu manda la tradición.
4th First Cider of the Year from 28th to 31st of March
From the 28th to the 31st of March for just 5 € you will be able to enjoy as much cider as you want. It's the 4th First Cider of the Year.
From the 28th to the 31sr of March there is going to be at the Museum of the Asturian Village of Xixón the forth edition of the First Cider of the Year, the annual event with which the cider season begins traditionally, with a massive popular drinking meeting of four days length.
It's coming soon, very soon, the beginning of the cider party that innaugurates the year, the one that turns us on in Springtime and makes a complete advance of how the cider of the next season will be: The First Cider of the Year.
In this fourth edition we are proud to offer, exclusively, the chance to taste the first cider of the 2012 harvest, coming from casks from most of the Asturian industrial cider presses in active.
That's what there is going to be, and much more, guided tastings, barrel making performances, show of Asturian tonada, the national contest of homemade cider made in wood, dance, days around cider from other countries, around sparkling cider...
A lot of events that make of these four days a continuous "espicha", in which for just 5 € we will be able to taste the best of the Asturian cider as the tradition stablishes.
Primer Sidre L'Añu / First Cider of the Year
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