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La cultura sidrera sedrá bien d'interés cultural
La Conseyería de Cultura del "Principado" vien d'anunciar que la cultura asturiana de la sidre sedrá declarada "Bien d'Interés Cultural".
Sigún informaren dende la Conseyería de Cultura del "Principado", el Conseyu de Padrimoniu acaba d'entamar los trámites pa declarar la cultura asturiana de la sidre comu Bien d'Interés Cultural, al empar que la misa asturiana de gaita, siendo los primeros casos que reconozan dos ellementos de la cultura imaterial asturiana.
Dende LA SIDRA yá s'acotare munches vegaes que nun tenía dengún xacíu pidir na UNESCO la declaración de la cultura asturiana de la sidre comu Padrimoniu Inmaterial de la Humanida y que n'Asturies non solo nun cuntara con denguna forma de reconocencia oficial, sinon qu'inclusu fore despreciada pol mesmu "Principado" a la hora de facer actos oficiales recurriendo al franquista vinu español, y qu'hebia normatives municipales que la persigan prohibiendo'l so escanciáu.
Pasu ente pasu, y dientru'l lentísimu procesu de normalización cultural que se supón tien que dase n'Asturies, la sidre yá cuenta cola reconocencia de "Bébora Istitucional" en Llaviana y agora va ser declarada Bien d'Interés Cultural. Cualisquier díi verémos un actu oficial del "Principado" con sidre, y a lo meyor sentimos al presidente decir un "ye".
The cider culture will be of cultural interest
The Council of Culture of the "Principality" has announced that the cider culture will be declares "Good of Cultural Interest".
As they informed from the Council of Culture of the "Principality", the Council of Heritage has just began the process to declare the Asturian cider culture as a Good of Cultural Interest, as well as the Asturian bagpipe mass, being one of the very first cases in which are recognized two elements from the immaterial Asturian culture.
From LA SIDRA we have stated for a very long time that it was a nonsense the fact of asking the UNESCO for the declaration of the Asturian cider culture as Immaterial Heritage of the Mankind while in Astuires does not even have any official recognition but that it has been even despised by the "Principality" itself while doing official events in a Francoist way with the Spanish wine, and meanwhile there are municipal regulations that pursue by prohibiting to pour it.
Step by step and inside of the very slow process of cultural normalization that is supposed to be in Asturies, cider has its recognition as "Institutional Beverage in Llaviana and now it's going to be declared Good of Cultural Interest. Anyday we will see an official act of the "Principality" with cider, and maybe ye are able to hear the president to say "ye".
Interés Cultural / Cultural Interest
Serving cider & wine with Asturian meals. Making cider & other beverages.<br>
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Servir sidra y vino con comidas asturianas. Hacer sidra y otra bebidas.
Moderators: almudena, Moderators
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