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Asturian words as last name?

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:13 pm
by sanne
Hi I'm new to this forum, and I have been on a quest for my genealogical ancestry for years.

Upon doing a google search, I came across a maternal last name in an Castellano site.

I then looked it up in the RAE.

1. m. coloq. Ast. Bola pequeña de barro que sirve para juegos infantiles.

I haven't been able to find "Banzon" in general last name searches in Spain or Latin America.

But what could this mean?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:55 am
by Bob
In Asturian, banzón is the iron rim of a wheel or a kind of children's toy.

For other definitions of Asturian words (written in Asturian) see ... /index.php

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:08 pm
by sanne
Thank you for your reply.

Is it common in Asturia to have Asturian words as last names?

This last name is just very odd, and I was very surprised to find it actually meant something in another language.