1937 Gran Festival en apoyo de los Republicanos
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:52 am
Pego un enlace para el folleto completo para un Gran Festival del Centro Asturiano de Nueva York en apoyo del Pueblo EspaƱol en 1937, durante la Guera Civil.
http://tracesofspainintheus.files.wordp ... maller.pdf
This is a link to a complete copy of a booklet for a Gran Festival by the Centro Asturiano de New York in support of the "Spanish People" in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War.
http://tracesofspainintheus.files.wordp ... maller.pdf
http://tracesofspainintheus.files.wordp ... maller.pdf
This is a link to a complete copy of a booklet for a Gran Festival by the Centro Asturiano de New York in support of the "Spanish People" in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War.
http://tracesofspainintheus.files.wordp ... maller.pdf