Looking for Arias Abascal family

Researching our ancestors in Asturias & America.<br>
Investigando nuestros antepasados en Asturias y America

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Pilar Arias
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Looking for Arias Abascal family

Post by Pilar Arias »

Hi to everybody:

One year ago we (my husband an me) made the genealogical tree from my husband. It was very easy because his family lived in the same area (15 miles) for 200 years. It was not the same with mine because the civil files were lost in Cudillero during the Spanish Civil War. I only found out that my great great grandfather went to the USA in 185? he got some land and made business with tobacco crops somewhere in the USA. I do not know his name. I also knew that all his sons (the younger was my great grandfather) went also to the States when they have the age. They used to come back to Asturias and they were married here. The wifes never crossed the Atlantic.

My great grandfather´s name was MODESTO ARIAS ABASCAL. He died in the USA in 1904 and I have been told that he was buried in Cuba.

I would very much like to know where he lived, if he had another family in the USA.... I would appreciate any kind of information.

I know it is a hard task but I will thank any kind of information.

Un abrazo a todos
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Post by Sweeney »

I could not find a Modesto Arias or Modesto Abascal in the US Census Index. Could Modesto been called by another name, perhaps a nickname?

It might help if I knew the names of any of Modesto's siblings who may have been living with him in America. Was Modesto born in Spain?

I think I can find him if I have more information.

No podría encontrar un Modesto Arias o Modesto Abascal en el índice del censo de los E.E.U.U.. ¿Podría Modesto llamado por otro nombre, quizás un apodo?

Puede ser que ayude si sabía los nombres de los hermanos de Modesto que pudieron haber vivido con él en América. ¿Modesto fue nacido en España?

Pienso que puedo encontrarlo si tengo más información. 8)
Pilar Arias
Posts: 2
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Arias Abascal

Post by Pilar Arias »

First of all thank you very much for your quick reply.

I do not have very much information about my great grandfather but I will try...

I know he was born somewhere around Llanes (east part of Asturias). He was the younger of all the family and all the men lived in the USA, so any Arias Abascal would be a brother of him. I also know that one of my grandfather´s brothers, son of Modesto Arias, lived and died in the USA and his name was Manuel Arias Fernández.

Thank you very much again for your help.

Un abrazo a todos :D
Posts: 205
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Great Great Grandfather

Post by Sweeney »

If your Great Great Grandfather came to America in the 1850s, then I should find him in the 1860,70, 80 or 1900 census (Much of the 1890 census data was destroyed by a fire). I did a search on people with the surname Arias that were born in Spain and I came up with nothing.

In the 1870 census I did find a Francis Ayres born in Spain in 1826 and living in New Orleans, a Zeon Aresa born in Spain in 1835 and living in New Orleans, and a John Areias born in Spain in 1842 and living in New York. :?
Posts: 205
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Post by Sweeney »

Are you sure about your dates? The reason I ask is in the 1920 Florida Census there is a Modesto Arias who was born in Spain. He is living there with his wife and many children. The handwriting is bad, but it looks like the wife is named Erniesta. The children are named Manuel, Clotilda(?), Joseph, Jonsey, Modesto, Minnie and Alice.

Since you say your great grandfather died in 1901, I do not know who this person is? Could it be a relative? If you send me a private message and give me your email address I will email the census form to you.

I have never ran into such a problem finding a person in the Census Data. It is disappointing. :?
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